Monday, September 21, 2009

Premiere Watch '09: The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory:
"The Electric Can Opener Fluctua- tion"

The Big Bang Theory launched its third season with a very solid showing. The show resumed with the geeky foursome's return home from their arctic scientific expedition. The jokes and one-liners flew pretty fast, but the episode also managed to squeeze in some more tender moments: Sheldon's devastation at being betrayed by his friends (and missing Comic-Con) as well as Leonard bringing back a preserved snowflake for Penny.

I was a bit taken aback by how quickly Leonard/Penny happened (I can't remember if he even got "We're back" out before she pounced on him). I do like that they're together (for now anyway, we'll have to see how it goes), but it seemed a bit abrupt. I realize that Leonard's been pining for her for years, but I don't think I realized how much Penny wanted him. She did call the comic book store guy by Leonard's name and secretly admit that she didn't want him to go away for the summer, so there were certainly indications of her feelings, but I was just surprised by how quickly she acted on them. I was also surprised that Leonard wasn't more surprised by the greeting he received. I would think that he'd be in a state of disbelief that Penny actually finally wants him.

I also must add that Howard was killing it in this episode, especially in the beginning. I may have to give the line of the night to Raj though for his Toy Story crack, which was classic.

Oh yeah, and Jim Parsons should have won that Emmy.

Highlights and my observations:

  • The facial hair sight-gag was great.
  • Sheldon: "No, mother, I could not feel your church group praying for my safety."
  • Sheldon: "No, I'm not sassing you in Eskimo talk."
  • I'm kind of impressed that Penny even recognized Leonard through all that hair.
  • Howard: "Damn it, I should have gone over and told her we were back!"
  • For the record, if you ever throw Sheldon a theme party, keep in mind that he doesn't care for luau, toga or under the sea.
  • Howard: "...and you were acting like an obnoxious, giant dictator."
    Raj: "I thought we were going to be gentle with him."
    Howard: "That's why I added the 'tator'."
  • Sheldon: "As you have a lifetime of poor decisions ahead of you, may I interrupt this one?"
  • While Penny talks to Sheldon, Leonard should shave.
  • Sheldon: "And I didn't even get to go to Comic-Con."
  • Did they really leave before the new Star Trek movie came out? I can't believe those four went on the trip if they knew it would interfere with their viewing of the new Star Trek movie.
  • Sheldon: "While I do not currently have a scathing retort, you check your e-mail periodically for a doozy!"
  • Howard: "My people already crossed the desert once, we're done."
  • Leonard: "I can't believe you bought a red cowboy hat."
    Howard: "Hello! I'm wearing a red turtleneck!"
  • Howard: "I want to blend in."
    Raj: "To what? Toy Story?"
Premiere Rating: 7.5/10



  1. it's howard, not harold ;)

  2. Ack! You're right! That was a major brain cramp. Thanks, I fixed it ;-)
