Monday, January 31, 2011

Greek: Weekend At Cappie's

"Homecoming and Going"

So how does Greek follow up last week's Best Episode Ever candidate, the Beaver/Walter-centric "All About Beav"?

Unfortunately by shoving Walter way back into the background again. And Katherine was MIA altogether. Boooooooo!
But the consolation was that this episode featured Jonathan Silverman as Pledge Spidey's super rich dad. To me, Jonathan Silverman showing up as Spidey's dad is almost as exciting as Dwayne Wayne appearing as Ashleigh's dad due to my unnatural love of Weekend At Bernie's. (And Weekend At Bernie's II.) We're talking one of my favorite movies ever here. It's like Greek is intentionally casting its parents (and teachers) by harvesting my favorite shows and movies of all time. Next thing you know, Paul Gross from Due South is going to show up at the father of Heath and Heather or something.

Highlights and my observations:
  • Uh oh, the KTs didn't hold their big Homecoming party last year, so A&M kicked CRU out of's top 10 party schools.
  • "And 'dot org's never lie!"
  • Cappie: "Luges? Lugi? Lugee?"
  • JONATHAN SILVERMAN!!! Pledge Spidey's dad is Jonathan Silverman?! Awesome!
  • Ash: "Who knew finding a job would take so long? It always happens so fast in movie montages."
  • Cappie: "It's like finding out that Santa left the North Pole to sit in a cubicle and listen to NPR."
  • Why has Ashleigh started snoring in the past 4 months? Does she have a deviated septum?
  • Evan not wanting to wade into the battle of "Heather" vs. "Heeeeeather" and saying, "Well, don't stay too long, whatever your name is..."
  • Health thinking the party theme was based on Everwood. Honestly, knowing the amount of television watched in the Kappa Tau house, I'd be less surprised by the KTs having a party based on Everwood than Mt. Everest.
  • Calvin: "He's a good dancer..."
  • Wow, Casey just invited Ash to live with Rusty without asking Rusty (and Dale) first? That's presumptuous.
  • WALTER! Walter, I miss you already.
  • Awww, Beav getting choked up talking about loosing his "little brother" Scooby. (And then wailing "Scooooooooobbbeeeeee!!!!")
  • Oh no! Dale's big brother is Tripp. Scraping the bottom of the barrel there...
  • Dale: "Yeah, I never thought I'd be friends with a red-top either, but he's the prez. Only the best for me!"
  • Well, if Rusty is Peter's "big brother" and Cappie is Rusty's "big brother," then Cappie would be Peter's "grand big" so shouldn't that be just about as good?
  • Yeah, Calvin! Call Rebecca out on her crap!
  • Stop dragging the Calvin/Heath relationship through the mud, Rebecca! Heath is sooooooooo much better than Grant (and deputy Leo).
  • Good, Peter, go apply sunscreen. That's responsible.
  • Cappie: "Why not just buy him some porn and a lap dance and call it a day?"
    Rusty: "Peter has brittle bones, and an aggressive lap dance could paralyze him for life."
  • Ok, it's funny that Heath is dumb in this episode, but he wasn't always this dumb. He was supposedly going to medical school at one point, if you'll recall.
  • The whole scene where Calvin found out about Heath's secrets from last week was hilarious, so here it all is:
  • Calvin: "You know how sometimes people have another side to themselves that they keep secret?"
    Heath: "Yeah, yeah, like superheroes"
    Calvin: "Yeah! So, uh, they never really reveal the truth about themselves because they kind of like how people view them in a certain way."
    Heath: "Beaver told you about me stipping at the Rio Nightclub, didn't he?!"
    Calvin: "Stipping? As in strippers? You? For money?!"
    Health: "You didn't know? What were you talking about? Oh God, did Casey tell you about the test paper selling thing?"
    Calvin: "What?!"
    Heath: "What the hell do you want to talk to me about?!"
    Calvin: "Stop talking! I was going to tell you that I don't have a major!"
    Heath: "Really? Why didn't you ever tell me?"
    Calvin: "Does it really matter now?"
  • Also beyond hysterical was the pre-goat stealing conversation between Rusty, Dale and Peter.
  • Rusty: "I don't think the Bible would approve of you stealing thy neighbor's goat."
    Dale: "The Bible doesn't say zip about kidnapping they neighbor's goat to psych thy neighbor out before the big game."
  • Rusty: "You and your 'pledge bros' won't be making any history tonight, bro."
    Dale: "Uh, says who? You and Tiny Tim here?"
    Peter: "Hey! I once ran an 8.5-minute mile. In jeans!"
    Dale: "So did my alcoholic Aunt Trudy, and she didn't remember it."
  • Uhh, is Mike Burton (a.k.a. Casey's law professor) hitting on Ashleigh? That's a little creepy. Maybe he's just being nice.
  • Ash: "I might as well have gone to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."
  • Oh, Ash, I feel your pain, sweetie. I've been there.
  • These luges/lugi/lugee are pretty cool.
  • Spidey's dad works on a "campus" with games and massages and other awesome stuff. That sounds nice.
  • Beccs isn't going to make it down the luge in that dress.
  • Rebecca: "I'm sorry, Cal. I can't help but feel partly responsible."
    Calvin: "You're entirely responsible."
  • Casey: "Life was so much easier when all your decisions were made for you." (Amen to that, sister.)
  • Wow, Casey is drinking a lot of vodka. It's behavior like this, Casey, that leads to us waking up next to 16-year-olds. And by "us," I mean "you."
  • Come on, Rusty. It's got to be easier to steal the goat from the Omega Chis than it is to get it from A&M.
  • Heath: "And I'm me - the guy who likes Twilight and the Berenstain Bear books."
  • Aww, Calvin told Heath he loves him. And Heath actually said he loves Cal back--not "thank you"! It's about time that exchange actually worked out for a TV couple.
  • Spidey has an irrational fear of baby cows.
  • Prof. Simon: "When I left college, back in 1990, I was in construction."
    Ash: "I was 2."
    Prof. Simon: "You were in construction, too?"
    Ash: "No, I was 2-years-old."
  • Peter: "Cappie's cool, but you're cool and a nerd. You're like the..."
    Rusty: "The amalgam!"
  • Ha ha ha! Beaver's slow dancing with the goat!!! Unlike last week, Beaver's barely in this episode, but he's still stealing the show!
  • How does Cappie not recognize Peter's dad from "Weekend At Bernie's"? I guarantee you that Cappie has seen "Weekend At Bernie's" AND the sequel at least as many times as me.
  • No, Evan, you didn't miss Rebecca!
  • Oh, Casey. Casey, Casey, Casey... I hope Ashleigh yells at her for this.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Greek: Leave It to Beaver

"All About Beav"

I'm so excited, because tonight's episode of Greek took two of my absolute favorite peripheral characters and put them together! Beaver and Katherine! It's on! I'm so excited; this pairing is epic.
Of course, knowing Beaver and knowing Katherine, it seems highly unlikely that a relationship between the two of them would ever work long-term. But who cares?! This is Greek's final season and we don't have to worry about the long-term! Let's just get together all the couples we want together (Beaver/Katherine, Rusty/Ashleigh, me: Evan/Casey) and break up all the ones we want broken up (Rebecca/Evan, Rusty/Dana). The Greek end is near - we don't have to worry about the post-show consequences!
After the list of tonight's highlights - which are extensive, because this episode was pure bliss from start to finish - I'll pose the important question ignited by tonight's episode:
  • It's Beaver!!! Beaver sleeps with a stuffed penguin! Beaver gets a wake-up call from his mom! This is going to be epic.
  • Beaver: "Yes, Pengy's up too."
  • Beaver: "Know how I'm philanthropy chair?"
    Cappie: "And 'philanthropy' means..."
    Beaver: "No, I remember this time."
  • I LOVE that Beaver just walked out on Cappie mid-pointless rant.
  • Beaver loves Katherine!!! Oh, dear Lord, please make it happen!
  • Beaver: "Oh, pardon me, Bing. I was just moving your girlfriend's breast. I mean chest. I mean drawers..."
  • Beaver's real name is...Walter Boudreaux!!!
  • I've never heard Beaver say so many words in my life.
  • OMFG - tonight, the Greek theme jingle had Beaver singing "Greek, Greek, Greek, Greek, Greeeeek!" over it. Holy crap, this is awesome.
  • The janitor asking Beav if he watched Glee last night.
  • Beav: "Can you believe they almost shut down the glee club? Again?! Close call! Again!"
  • "Don't Mock the Killer Birds" was Beaver's first guess at the name of "To Kill A Mockingbird." Although he was incorrect about the title, that does sound like pretty solid life advice to me.
  • Beaver (looking at Katherine): "I want some of that."
    Casey: "Me too."
  • Beaver: "I have a paper due tomorrow, and I'm going to fail."
    Cappie: "What about the children?"
    Beaver: "I know! They're the future!"
  • "Crabtree and Evan-ly"
  • Cappie: "Now, go on. Get out of my sight!"
    Beaver: "I think that's where he is, Cap."
  • Beav: "You build towers with your books too!"
  • Casey: "Why am I seeing you more today than ever before?"
  • Beaver's second attempt at the name of "To Kill A Mockingbird": "Tequila Drinking Bird"
  • Every fifth page of Casey's law book has been ripped out and substituted with a piece of paper that says "Suck it."
  • How cute is it that they're showing Fisher's T-Mobile commercial during Greek? Except all the Greek fans think he's a dirty, lying cheater, so I don't know if this is such a great idea.
  • Beav: "Not that I condone cheating - or even know what condone means - but sometimes you just get desperate."
  • Just dump her, Evan. It's time to move on.
  • Ash: "Is there a hot science guy?"
    Rusty: "Carl Sagan? Those turtlenecks?"
  • Lol at Casey hiding behind Beaver when they were talking to the creepy guy at the post office.
  • Oh no! Rusty got pulled off his own project! That's a major bummer.
  • Beaver really could have just read the book and written the paper by now. It would have been less work than all of this. Casey probably could have written a bunch of case briefs by now too.
  • Beaver saved the barista's life once when she was choking!
  • Casey: "I know what you mean, I've been trying to keep up with Rusty my whole life."
    Beaver: "I don't think Rusty's very good at football."
  • Katherine: "Rio Nightclub. You know, I haven't heard of it but the name kind of conjures up these images in my mind of relaxing with a Caipirinha and some salsa music after a long but rewarding day of volunteering in the Brazilian slums."
  • Now that Katherine brought it up, I think I'd enjoy a Caipirinha too...
  • So Rebecca just wants Evan's attention, even if they're fighting. Brilliant plan, Rebecca. That's absolutely going to work out well for you.
  • Katherine: "I think they're focusing on the Brazilian slum theme."
  • Ha ha ha! Beaver didn't realize that the "Katherine" Casey was talking about is Katherine.
  • Casey: "Have you been paying attention to anything I said all day?!"
    Beaver: "How should I know, I haven't been paying attention to anything you've said all day!"
  • HEATH!!!! Heath is a stripper. Ahahahahahahahaha!
  • I wonder if Calvin knows Heath is a stripper at Rio Nightclub.
  • Beaver: "Are you Dave? Are you a policeman? I'm so confused right now!"
  • I can't even listen to Heath and Beaver's conversation, because I'm laughing too hard.
  • Beaver trying to take off his pants but not being able to, and Katherine screaming "You gotta take off your shoes first!!"
  • Beaver grabbing some "hush money" from Heath's underwear!
  • Oh my gosh. Tears are streaming down my face. It was nice of them to put this Rusty/Dana breakup scene after the strip club scene to give me a minute to gather myself and stop laughing (and crying).
  • Geez, Cappie. Don't shove Evan just for telling the truth.
  • Oh, yeah, Rebecca, Evan's the idiot in this situation...
  • Evan and Beccs are on the rocks and now Rusty and Dana broke up! Everything's coming up awesome tonight!
  • Beaver: "Your my favorite lady I've never had sex with, Casey."
  • Beaver's almost finished with his 5-year teaching certificate program! He's going to be a kindergarten teacher!! All together now: "Awwwwww!!!!"
  • Beaver: "Are you sure you're in law school? Because this is some pretty basic stuff."
  • Casey really didn't realize that allllllllll of the Evan/Cappie war is because of her?
  • Yea, Beaver! He's going to watch the movie and write the paper himself! I'm so proud.
  • OMFG, KATHERINE IS IN BEAVER'S BED!!!!! Holy freaking crap, I'm about it lose it.
  • Beaver doesn't waste time! He sees Katherine in the morning, decides he likes her, and the next day she wakes up in his bed. Beav is such a fox.
And now for the great debate: Was this one of the best episodes of Greek ever, or was this THE best episode of Greek ever? The only thing that's held it back was a lack of Dale and Calvin, but I honestly didn't really miss them tonight.
While the "best ever?" debate may continue on indefinitely, one thing that we know for sure after this episode is that if Greek must end, there should absolutely be a Beaver-centric spinoff. Beaver, the kindergarten teacher. Can you imagine anything more delightful?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Greek: Why We're Here

"Cross Examined Life"

Most of the time I was watching tonight's Greek, I was thinking that the episode was just okay. There was nothing wrong with it really, but it was a bit of a downer, what with Calvin's crisis of indecision about his major, Rusty and Dale's squabble, Casey encountering friction from her law school classmates, Ashleigh returning after crash-and-burning at her job, etc.

And then Katherine showed up, and all was forgiven. When Casey turned around and saw Katherine in the back of the classroom, it was the highlight of my day. I'm not even kidding. Greek, I love you.

For more freaking out re: Katherine, scroll to the end of the...

Highlights and observations:

  • Rusty and Dana started re-watching Lost to count the questions that were never answered.
  • A murder mystery dinner party is the first think Dana thinks of when she wants to cheer someone up? That's kind of a strange first thought.
  • Rebecca's hair looks pretty fantastic for it being her "middle of the night" hair.
  • Casey's going to law school and she doesn't know what habeas corpus is?
  • Ash: "Casey?"
    Casey: "Burgler?"
  • Oh dear, Ashleigh got fired. Her hair looks nice too though.
  • Ash has the option of moving home and working at her dad's accounting firm. I've been there...
  • Lol at sleeping Beaver attacking Pledge Spidey for trying to throw away his beer cup.
  • Cappie: "That's what Heath said. Ha ha."
  • Casey: "No tests? Is this what happens before noon? I freaking love morning time."
  • Casey and Evan's law professor is Mike Burton from Ed! Cool!
  • Evan should have known that burden of proof thing. Come on, Chambers.
  • Poor Casey. Since when does law school involve sitting around and swapping gossip? Mr. and Mrs. Karns, or whatever, are a bunch of Chatty Cathies...
  • Dale calling the Tri Pis the "Pi Pi Pis"
  • Dana: "You look like a teen movie villain."
  • Gosh, Rusty is looking cute this year. He's almost becoming Franco-esque. He can definitely do better than Dana now...
  • Now Ashleigh has special drink testing coasters! Greek is still mining Season 3 of Veronica Mars for material!! How endearing.
  • Cappie: "Come on. 'Why are we here?' She's ordering us to get high."
  • Rusty: "They're going to brand their letters onto your ass?!"
  • Study group girl: "How well do you two know each other?"
    Evan: "We used to date."
    Mr. Karns: "Oh, Evan, did you used to work in Undergraduate Admissions?"
  • Casey getting smacked down by the law students is kind of amusing, but Evan is being way meaner than he needs to be. Go apologize. Ok, good boy.
  • Casey: "Oh, great! Now I'm Rusty in high school."
  • Ash: "I said, 'Good day, sir!'"
  • Ash might be purposeless, but she looks gorgeous this episode. I hereby nominate Amber Stevens for the role of Mary Jane Watson in my dream version of Spider-Man staring Donald Glover. (That was one Twitter rumor that really should have been true.)
  • Oh my gosh! The Omega Chis are branding people in the living room?! That seems like loads of trouble. Oh, thank goodness, they are just pretending to brand people. I was wondering why no one ever mentioned that Evan and Calvin have letters stamped on their butts.
  • Lol, so the question is: are stoned Cappie and Calvin half as funny as stoned Casey and Evan? So far, no. High Calvin is funny, but Cappie is acting about the same as Cappie always acts. Plus stoned Casey and Evan were pretty much the funniest people ever.
  • Ok, I did get a major laugh out of Calvin gesturing at Cappie when he said "me" and then pausing and trying again.
  • Calvin: "Ohh, no. You've got chips on your butt! (laughs)"
  • Rusty: "So you can let Trip scar you for life?" (referring to the butt branding)

    Dale: "And this won't?!" (referring to the murder mystery dinner party)

  • Dana's friend is cute. Why isn't Rusty with her instead of Dana?

  • Calvin doesn't have a major?! Oh dear. Time's a-wasting, fella.

  • Ha, Dale knew who the "killer" was without even playing the game. Go Dale.

  • LOL at Ashleigh entertaining herself with shadow puppets.

  • Ashleigh has become a bad influence on Casey...

  • Why didn't Rusty at least take off his Sherlock hat before going out in public?

  • Oh, poor Ash. She got overlooked for a promotion in favor of someone from The City, so she was upset and left on her thousandth coffee run and never came back. And now she's fired for real.

  • Ha ha ha! Beaver drew a unicorn on Rusty's face! Beaver is so adorable.

  • KATHERINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S KATHERINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Katherine: "Can you not interrupt me when I'm waving to my friend? Thank you."

  • OMG. IT. IS. KATHERINE. I'm freaking out.

  • (And I promise to try to stop arguing that Casey, Katherine, and Evan should have gone somewhere else for grad school if for no other reason than to broaden their horizons a bit. I love Casey, Katherine, and Evan, and if this is what keeps them around, so be it.)

  • I wonder why Katherine made a last-minute decision too. Did she miss CRU as well?

  • Casey, Katherine, and Evan need to form a super (study) group!

And, holy crap, next week's episode is called "All About Beav"! First Katherine comes back and now we get a Beaver-centric episode?! GASP! Please tell me that these two seemingly unrelated occurrences are going to be connected. A Katherine and Beaver hookup!?! You're rocking my world, Greek!


Monday, January 10, 2011

Greek: Spitters Never Quit

"Fools Rush In"

Now we're talking! This week's episode of Greek felt much more like the funny, witty, sweet Greek we know and love than last week's offering (which had to scramble to tie up some loose ends and to establish everyone's new stations in life). This week, however, everyone - except Ashleigh - was in place and ready to go. We got to see Rusty again assuming a leadership role with the KTs; Casey carving out a new place for herself amidst her old, beloved place; the KTs being funny; Evan looking hot; and Dale becoming a power player.

Highlights and my thoughts:
  • Dale: "Do you know the CRU Atheist Club has their own ski trip? They should get used to a warmer climate where they're headed."
  • Dale: "They think of me as one of the girls, and not even one of the hot ones."
  • EEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWW! It's Dana! And she's wearing Casey's shirt - eeeeeew! But that's not nearly as EEEEEEWWWW-worthy as that Star Wars stuff. Yikes. Poor Casey.
  • Yes, where IS Ben Bennett?
  • Rusty: "No one's seen him since Homecoming"
  • "What about Gonzo?" / "I think I saw him on Scrubs." (Did Little Franco play Gonzo? I don't remember what his Greek name was.)
  • There's the funny KT banter I know and love!
  • The KTs discussion of their missing members was hilarious, and I'm going to use the Ben Bennett reference as further proof that the Greek writers read my blog and/or my mind, because I've definitely wondered aloud about what became of him on other occasions.
  • Cappie: "How did we lose so many guys? I feel like Jen Aniston!"
  • Casey and Evan are hanging out together!!!
  • Cappie: "Hi. We're here to...try?"
  • Ok, this Natalie girl is funny, but WHERE is Katherine?! Am I to believe that she graduated college and actually LEFT?! Imagine that...
  • Cappie: "Is there a suggestion box I could fill with vomit?"
  • Evan: "Now I'm the bad guy again? Let me guess, Cal, it's my pride again, right?" (Oooh, snap!)
  • Please NO MORE DANA! The "R & D" thing was cute, but no. Just no.
  • However, either that shirt is really working for Rusty, or he's looking kind of buff these days.
  • Eew. And now I have to watch Evan kiss Rebecca. This ep has taken a turn for the worse.
  • Speaking of looking sexy: Evan.
  • Heath has a sister?
  • Speaking of Heath, why is he still here? He was supposed to graduate a semester before Casey and Evan, but he didn't because he flunked finals because of the prank/Wade expulsion incident. But he STILL didn't graduate even after another whole semester? Get your act together, boy! (I'm thinking med school is officially not interested in him now.) (This rant should not be construed as me wanting Health off the show. I adore him; I just don't understand what happened to his story line.)
  • Heath's sister's name is Heather, pronounced "Heeeeather" - ahahaha!
  • Cappie: "Instead of having to carry back a whole booth, I just have to carry this sack of ash!"
  • Beaver: "Without Timmy, there is no tomorrow!"
  • Cappie: "There's a reason we don't try, Rus. Because when we try, snakes die."
  • Love Dale's shorts/socks/shoes combo.
  • Rusty: "We just value weird things, like spitting tequila on girls and eating a table leg."
  • Health: "This guy's name is Jodie Foster! Imagine, we could have an Anthony Hopkins and a Jodie Foster!"
  • I like Casey's plan, but I wish it didn't involve Dana...
  • Cal: "I feel terrible. The fact that I came to this realization because of Dale is not helping."
  • Cal deserves this mini smackdown from Evan. But I'm glad that they're making up.
  • Speaking of Ashleigh of "Casey and Ashleigh," I miss her...
  • Aww, Cappie hugging Dale was too cute!
  • Does the house mother really have to clean everything? I think I'd pass on that job...
  • If walking past ZBZ every day of law school and knowing she can't be part of it anymore would kill Casey, maybe she should have gone to law school somewhere else!
  • Casey: "So what? Spitter's been laughed at most of his life!"
  • Is it a bad sign that I'm so on the same page as the KTs that when the kid said his name was Peter Parks, I immediately thought "Pledge Spider-Man"? Or am I ok because that was just super obvious?
  • Casey being the ZBZ house mother is going to make things pretty awkward when she steals Rebecca's boyfriend (back).
  • Oh no, Dale joined the Omega Chis!
  • Evan: "I cannot wait to see how Rusty's going to take this."
  • I just hope Dale doesn't start hitting Rusty with pledge paddles now.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Greek: Law and Disorder

"Defending Your Honor"

Oh, Greek. It's been so long, and I'm so happy to see you. I'll save for later the long, sappy speech about how much I love this show and how much I'll miss it after it wraps up it last season. For now, I'll just happily welcome back my old friends.

(And I'm back from an extended blogging hiatus in honor of Greek's return. I'm with these CRU kids to the end; as long as Greek is on, I'm going to try to blog about it.)

This was not Greek's best episode ever, especially considering it was how the show kicked off its last season, but I love this show and these characters so much that I don't even care at this point.

Highlights and my thoughts:

  • How creepy is it that Evan Chambers is starring as the Craig's List killer on Lifetime right now? That's a big step away from hitting people in the face with a pledge paddle.
  • Ahhhhhhh! They're graduating!! There were times where I literally thought this day would never come.
  • HEATH!!!
  • Dale: "There's Casey! I could spot those blond locks in the middle of a Swedish flea market."
  • Casey's parents went back to the hotel instead of congratulating her after the graduation ceremony?! Those Cartwrights sure are tough nuts to crack. Lame.
  • Law school prep? That seems a bit contrived, but I do think that Casey needs all the help she can get.
  • Casey: "How am I supposed to look cute in this stupid graduation burka?"
  • Ugh, Pull-Ups commercials. Advertisers seriously think that Greek's audience is made up of a bunch of toddlers.
  • And now suddenly summer's almost over already! Time is flying by tonight, folks!
  • Cappie better get his act together soon, or Rusty's going to have to get used to having Evan Chambers as his brother-in-law.
  • That photo of Evan, Casey and Cappie with Casey in the middle is convenient, since she can just fold it to hide which ever one of them she's mad at at the moment.
  • Betsy: "She does have over 20 years of experience."
    Rebecca: "So does Kirsten Dunst, but that doesn't make her movies good."
  • Cute hair, Evan!
  • How did Casey get a higher LSAT score than Evan?
  • If Cappie really wanted to avoid this situation, he should have made his trip last until after Casey had already gone.
  • Casey would really want to go to CRU instead of George Washington?
  • Beccs: "Not everyone likes Casey Cartwright?!"
  • Still loving Evan's hair, especially from the profile view.
  • There are law school dorms?! CRU is just full of surprises.
  • Why does this dude keep getting cast as a professor (first Greek, then Gossip Girl)? He doesn't seem very professorly to me at all. And he's always a professor who at least tries to have an inappropriate relationship with a student (Casey and Serena). Of course, he'll always be Joan's dumb husband from Mad Men to me.
  • So did he write her a bad recommendation to CRU but a good one to GW? How does one do that? Or did she not need a recommendation from him for the GW application? This is confusing.
  • Rusty: "You sound like Cappie. And Dale. And Calvin. ...And mom."
  • Rusty's looking cute this year too.
  • Eeeew, old sheets from the motel across the way?! Make a toga out of ANYTHING else, people! Gross!
  • Go Casey! Stick it to him!
  • I'm SO over Cappie--and I've only been watching him for 38 minutes. He needs to get it together, or this season is going to be tough to watch.
  • Ash yelling "Yeah! Bye, Cap!" through Casey's phone.
  • Now Rusty's looking kind of hot in his toga! It's a good look for him. Who would have guessed?
  • Rusty: "Campaign promise fulfilled."
    Heath: "Calvin was already my boyfriend?!"
  • Dale: "You did not just call me fat!"
  • Dale: "Well, I can diet, but you'll always be ugly on the inside!"
  • Rusty: "I wanted to punch you, but I couldn't."
    Cappie: "Yeah, I know. You've got weak wrists."

  • Um, Cappie, you already DID lose her. You IGNORED her for an entire summer! He's scared he's going to lose her, so he goes away and hooks up with a lot of girls? Idiot.

  • Mercy, Evan is cute.

  • Oh, Casey. You can't stay at CRU forever. Why do you want to stay here? With Beccs? Eesh.

  • Dale: "Why don't you like me?"
    Rebecca: "Because you're weird."

  • Dale: "Why does the Greek system rely on...stupid skinny ties?"

  • Oh no. Is the only way we can stop Rebecca/Evan by starting Dale/Rebecca?! I want Casey/Evan to happen something awful, but I don't know if I'm willing to sacrifice Dale to the cause.

  • Is Casey going to keep living in the ZBZ house? That's pretty lame.

Ok, here is my official Last Season of Greek Wish: If Casey absolutely has to end up with Cappie in the end, can she please hook up with Evan at least one more time along the way? Pleeeeeeease!
