Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Don't leave us, Veronica Mars!

Hmm... I definitely thought I must have blogged about the Sunday night finales and Heroes, but apparently I did not. Well, I don't have much to say other than I don't care that Edie maybe committed suicide on DH at all (I only wonder if she'll take over narration for Mary Alice). And the big Heroes explosion climax was "super" disappointing and fairly illogical. Why could Peter just suddenly not control the nuclear power he'd had for days? Oh, never mind. I'm not going to get into it.

And I suppose I've been avoiding blogging about the Veronica Mars "season" finale because I just don't want to admit that it is over (save for some eleventh hour act of God...I'm holding out hope). Come on, people, this show is too good to be canceled--and last Tuesday's two hour chunk of Veronica proved it! So good. But so not an appropriate series finale. Come on, CW, do the right thing. Three words: Mid. Season. Replacement. (Actually, the real reason the blog is late is that I've watched basically the entire first season of VM in less than a week.... yeah, I have no life.)

Weevil's Wobble:
First things first: I love Veronica and Weevil's relationship. The Weevil/Veronica favor cycle is one of the foundations of this show (and I should know because I'll I've done for the past week is watch Season 1... yeah, bragging about that doesn't make me cool, I know). And "Weevil, you're wobbling" is classic. Why is the kid nicknamed "Weevil" anyway? Did I miss that exposition during my Season 1 marathon?

Ann's favorite part--
Veronica: I read in Teen People that a smooth shave drives the boys wild!
Mac: Well, I read in FHM that boys like bare breasts.
Veronica: Bare breasts, you say? Huh. I did not know that.

and then at the beach...
Dick (to Veronica): Hi, hot legs!
Mac: Chalk one up for Teen People.

Ann's least favorite part--
Veronica's overalls! Ugh! Those things were even worse than the suspenders-shorts combo she wears in the CW promo. My sister says that between those two outfits, she will forever associate Kristin Bell with suspenders :-)

While I do love Piz, I have to confess that Logan beating the crap out of him was pretty hot. Not that I'm condoning violence. And after living and breathing Veronica Season 1, I recognize that beating people up is Logan's way of showing that he cares (well, not for the people he's beating up...). He's like Ryan Atwood, only much more antagonistic!

When I watched this last week, I was pretty over Logan, but you just can't watch Season 1 and not emerge hardcore LoVe. There's no way.

Oh and Piz's "Rob Thomas is a whore" was hysterical. I was too busy agreeing with him about Matchbox 20's lead singer to get the inside joke that Veronica's creator's name is also Rob Thomas. Sneaky and hilarious :-)

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Season Finales, Season Finales Everywhere!

Grey's Anatomy:
Wow. This sure was one depressing hour and fifteen minutes. Where along the line did the people at Grey's get the impression that in order for a season finale to be good, horrible things must happen to all of the characters. Seriously, not a single person escaped this monsoon of badness. They might as well have had all the characters stand in a row and have people throw things at them :-)

Burke, Steamy, and Addison didn't get the chief job (and they all kind of got insulted in the process); George failed his test; Bailey didn't get chief resident; Alex realized his love for Ava about a half hour too late; George snubbed Izzy (yet again. Get some self respect, Izz); Derek and Meredith careened toward a break-up for no real discernible reason; Burke didn't marry Christina and disappeared; Adele lost her baby.

Actually, about the happiest thing that happened was that Adele losing the baby brought her and Chief Richard back together again...and miscarriages are not happy, folks. And those hikers...why were they even still around? And, better question, why was Derek interrogating them instead of the police? I love that his holier-than-thou attitude now qualifies him to be a detective. Can you tell that the doctor formerly known as McDreamy is on my last nerve?

Oh! Oh! Oh! I almost forgot about him telling Meredith that she should be worried that his flirtation with Bar Slut/Reunion girl/Mere's little sister was the highlight of his week! It is such a shame that Meredith was so wrapped up with the death of her stepmom, her best friend's wedding, and the most important test of her internship that she neglected her duty to entertain Derek! Poor, poor Derek. Perhaps Meredith should hire a clown to follow him around and keep him amused.

And speaking of whiny, middle-aged men....Burke does not get to leave Christina at the alter! The whole thing was his freakin idea!

One more thing that I didn't like about the episode was that the scene where Christina freaks out in her wedding dress looked exactly like Carrie Bradshaw's SATC wedding-dress-inspired panic attack.

Another thing that sucked was that the National Inquirer or whoever published all those Grey's spoilers turned out to be alarmingly accurate... so none of this crappy stuff was even a surprise.

Oh well, let's just hope that next season is better.

The Office:
Jam is on!!!!!!! Does anything else matter?

It's been days and I'm still glowing about "Pam, are you free for dinner tonight?" It's about freaking time, Halpert and Beasley. Now, let's just hope that next season we don't back track on the Jam like we did this year. I mean, honestly I thought Jam was on last year after the hot-office-Casino-Night kiss, but it clearly was not. This time, let's hope it sticks. I do feel a bit for Karen, but clearly Jim and Pam are made for each other...and Scranton (ouch, that part sounds like an insult). And Karen could be a bit of a jerk (telling Jim his hair made him look homeless, ordering Pam to photocopy their sales reports).

Poor Michael. Now he's stuck with crazy unemployed Jan living in his condo. Seriously, though, was Jan always this nuts and we just didn't realize it because she wasn't around that often and compared to Michael, no one is crazy? Or is it new? Because I never realized she was this deranged. I mean, dating Michael was certainly a tip off to some sort of mental instability...

And how cool was the "game changer"? (I love that The Office has stolen that terminology from the overly self-important Losties.) Ryan the temp is in charge! Good for him. See, getting that MBA does pay off.

And, of course, the episode was funny:

  • Dwight's reign of terror, complete with soil lectures and "Schrute Bucks" (and now, thankfully, we know that the correct ratio of Schrute Bucks to Stanley Nickels is the same as the ratio of unicorns to leprechauns).
  • Pam getting to be the secret Assistant to the Regional Manager for a morning.
  • Creed's "blog" a.k.a. a word document with a URL address typed at the top.
  • Michael calling his decision to take back the bigger-breasted Jan "emotionally magnificent."
  • Jim wanting to see the U.N. building while in New York and saying the last time he was in the Big Apple was a sixth grade field trip. Now that is just too freaking cute.
  • Andy working in a little more Cornell bragging. I'm never going to be able to take anything involving Cornell seriously again :-)
  • Oh and Beasley so totally pulls her comedic weight. Her "Maybe I'll find my own Karen" monologue ending with a slightly panicked "I'm not gay!" proclamation was adorable.

But, of course, what really matters is that Jam is on! Did I mention that?

Ugly Betty:

Ok, since when does UB get its plotlines from Days of Our Lives? It kind of seemed like they wanted something big and splashy for the finale, but couldn't quite come up with anything, so just threw in every somewhat trite storyline they could think of. Did Santos really need to be shot in a random convenience store hold up? Did Amanda suddenly need to be Fey's daughter? Did Henry's ex need to be knocked up? And, um, didn't Gilmore Girls do that whole storyline in season two? And didn't they do it a heck of a lot better?

Random question: Even provided that Alexis is so stupid that she didn't realize that after putting out a hit on Bradford, his car might not be the best vehicle to use to take her brother to the hospital, why, why, why does taking Daniel from the Mode office in midtown Manhattan to a hospital require her to drive on a very twisty road through a secluded forest? Are there not hospitals in Manhattan? Because there totally are.

Thursday, May 17, 2007


Seriously. That's all I have to say. Actually, there are a few other things I have to say, but they are obscene and I'm going to try to stay family-friendly. Unlike the Pussycat Dolls. Who, despite looking and acting like tramps, are the CW's choice for positive female role models.

OK, so if you haven't guessed, the reason I'm so pissed off is that the CW canceled Veronica Mars. Except that they don't have the guts to just admit that they've canceled it, and are just making stuff up and lying to us. Hoping we'll just forget that it ever existed, CW? Unfortunately, that won't happen because Veronica viewers are not as stupid as you apparently are.

Screw you, CW. You suck. Suck. Suck.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Bon Voyage, Ror and Lor!

Gilmore Girls:
An absolutely beautiful series finale. Definitely one for my "favorite finales" list. I'm particularly impressed that the GG writers pulled off such a touching finale without knowing for sure if it was the series finale. I guess if the show HAD come back for season 8, we'd spend a lot of time watching Rory riding around on a bus? That could be fun; everything involving the Gilmores is fun--except when Lorelai makes "sad face." That's not fun for anybody.

I'm super proud of Rory landing her Obama job. That jobs seems like it would be even more fun than the NY Times internship since she'll get to travel and hang out with all the other reporters. The downside is that she'll have to spend a lot of time in Iowa... :-) My one hang up was: did she really send out 75 resumes? Did she personally tailor each cover letter to the specific newspaper she sent it to? And if so, does she sleep? Geez. I do kind of love how Gilmore always seems just a little confused about how college and jobs work in the real world.

Another of my favorite moments was when Lorelai agreed to continue Friday night dinners with Emily and Richard. It's nice to know that this seven year process of getting Rory through high school and college have gone a long way to repair the damage between Lorelai and her parents. Without Rory around, maybe Lor and Emily will become best buds and pal around :-) Because that would be hysterical.

And Luke and Lorelai kissed...and that was the end of it, which I love because I'm totally ok with L/L being together--but actually watching it makes me gag. I hope they go on the boat trip to Maine together and eventually get married under the hoopa that Luke built for Lorelai. That would be lovely.

The final scene was perfect--almost an exact parallel to the final scene of the pilot episode: Rory and Lorelai in the diner, playfully bantering, while Luke makes them food. I love, love, love it when shows end by coming full circle (hence my blubbering during The OC finale when they showed the clip of Marissa standing in the sun and Ryan driving past). While it would be nice to know how Amy Sherman-Pallidino was planning to end the show (the infamous last two words), I think the new team did a stellar job.

Ok, sniff, sniff. Thank goodness the Gilmores are on ABC Family every afternoon! I'm not sure I could live without them.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Ann's Favorite Series Finales Ever

In honor of the Gilmore Girls series finale tonight (sniff, sniff), I've compiled a list of my favorite series finales ever:

  • The OC: I still get sad thinking about this show being gone. Thankfully, one of my favorite shows of all time ended with one of my favorites finales of all time. The finale 15 or so minutes of this ep especially were fantastic. Ryan standing in the Cohen house remembering the early days was so touching. And I'm such a sucker for the shot of Marissa standing in the sun while Ryan drives by. I was bawling. Also awesome were the flash forward clips: Seth and Summer getting married, Julie graduating college, MiniCoop excelling in school, Sandy teaching at Berkley Law, Ryan working as an architect and helping kids. It was so nice to see that our favorite characters (minus Marissa, of course) all getting happy endings.
  • Alias: This was another show that was hard to say goodbye to. Sydney, Sark, Vaughn, Jack, Sloane, Marshall, Will, Francie, Irina and Dixon all meant so much to me. The episode was complicated, of course, what with Irina falling through a skylight, Sloane becoming immortal, Jack trapping immortal Sloane in a tomb/cave, etc. Loved Sydney and Vaughn living happily-ever-after on the beach with their kids...while Sydney still goes on the occasional mission to take down Sark. Sydney and Sark forever!
  • Arrested Development: George Michael and Maebe aren't related after all!
  • Full House: Michelle gets amnesia...but then remembers everyone. Phew. In even better news, Steve takes D.J. to the prom and Steph is the Juliet to a cute boy's Romeo.
  • Angel: I didn't even really watch this show, but I loved this episode. Fade out on Angel and friends taking on thousands of evil demon things. ("Personally, I'd like to slay the dragon."--so cool)

And, just for the heck of it, bad series finales:

  • Lois & Clark: A mysterious baby shows up in their freaking house when they find out that Clark can't have kids (Earth kids, at least). Lois was so sappy. Ugh.
  • Due South: The flash-forward scenes were so discouraging!
  • Three's Company: Jack and Janet did not end up together. Enough said.

Now only a few hours until we find out where the Gilmore finale will rank on this list :-(

Extended Weekend Recap

The Office:
This episode was fantastic. Give me super-sized Office any day of the week. I could watch a 3 hour episode of The Office and not get tired of it. Heck, I would work at Dunder Mifflin if I could :-)

  • Jim making blindfolded Karen step over imaginary "big holes" during the egg race.
  • Dwight and Ryan getting into a fight during the egg race.
  • Oscar's decision that he'll transfer if Dwight gets Michael's job and his boyfriend can come if he wants to, but if not, he was looking for a way to get out of that relationship anyway.
  • Stanley taking Jim out during the sumo wrestling contest.
  • Michael looking for someone to replace him with the charisma of "a Hope or a Bynes."
  • Pam working up the guts to set Jim and everyone else straight. Good girl, Pammy!

And one of the highlights of this entire television season:

  • Andy Bernard falling into the lake in his sumo outfit and floating way! Freaking hysterical. I still laugh just thinking about it. What was he even trying to do, anyway? I hope someone found him and pulled him out of the lake eventually.

Grey's Anatomy:

Thatcher is out of control. Does he really blame Meredith for this? Meredith? Not the chief or Bailey, who were the people actually in charge Susan's care? And it was real supportive of everyone else to just stand around and let him yell at Meredith, when they know he's already smacked her? Geez. Somebody help the poor girl out.

Oh, and add Derek Shepherd to the list of TV characters who need kicked in the face. Geez! Is he seriously mad at Meredith for not telling him about her test disaster? Literally, all the poor girl could do was sit in the waiting room staring straight ahead. She was not in the state to function properly--that's why she couldn't take the test in the first place! Everyone else who cares about Mere looked around the hospital for her to see how she was. Derek is incapable of that? He's acting like such a loser. Cowboy up, McDreamy, for God's sake.

Suddenly Addison's mantra of Derek "emotionally checking out" of their marriage months before she hooked up with Steamy seems to be ringing true. Also now appearing to be prophetic is McVet's warning to Meredith that Derek would hurt her again. Ugh. Bar slut/Reunion girl can have him.


I was so excited about this show (I've been looking forward to it for a year now) and I keep forgetting to watch my tape of it! Oops. I am glad to see that Trey Atwood in a role where he's not attacking Marissa Cooper.

Without a Trace:

Worst. Season. Finale. Ever.

Desperate Housewives:

I actually enjoyed this episode! (Well, at least the first half of it.) Yea! Susan was funny, Edie had some funny moments, and Gaby's comment that marriage to Susan might make Mike miss the coma was great. But then came the Lynette storyline. Ugh. She kind of deserved that bump on the head. Cancer, though, definitely not good. At least Bree's coming back next week! Yea!

Brothers and Sisters:

Tearjerker. Even though little William died, I think Tommy and Julia made the right choice to not having one twin's kidney transplanted into the other baby. Kidney transplants in premature babies have got to be extremely risky. This way, at least they still have Elizabeth Walker.

I think my other favorite part was Kevin taking down the guy who wanted to blackmail the Senator.

Unfortunately, there were no drunken secret-spilling scenes. Maybe next week.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Lost, Shmost...

I don't really want to blog too much about that episode. Just that when Locke and Benry were in the cabin and Benry was talking to the empty chair I was laughing my butt off. And then, when the room started to shake, lights flashed and weird noises were heard, I started laughing even harder. It looked like a cheap, corny horror film.

But then they tried to add a sense of legitimacy by showing us a flash of "Jacob" and leaving Locke dead in the pit. I'm not impressed. If Locke's really dead, that does suck though. And his weird island/healing abilities would have been wasted. Oops.

Right now, all I really care about is why Richard doesn't age. And I would appreciate someone--I don't care who--kicking Jack as hard as they can. That would get me back on the Lost bandwagon.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Another Gilmore Milestone

Gilmore Girls:
Wow. The second-to-last episode ever. I can't wrap my head around life without the Gilmores. Congrats to Rory on her graduation from Yale. This graduation ceremony wasn't the tear-jerker that her Chilton commencement was, but it was still a lovely moment. And it was all the more appropriate because I was watching the episode in Delaware with my girls who themselves will be graduating in a couple weeks :-)

Rory does seem to have bad luck relationship-wise on her graduation days. She broke up with Jess around the time she graduated from high school, and now Logan's on the way out too. I agree with her decision to decline his proposal for the time being... I mean, what is the rush? But I was a little shocked the Logan turned it into an all-or-nothing situation. Was that necessary? If he really loves her that much, how can he be willing to just cut her out of his life completely? I don't really understand, but whatever; good riddance, Logan.

I liked that Christopher was back for this episode. I find it odd though that only a few months later Chris and Lorelai seem to have already moved on from their failed marriage, while Lorelai and Luke are still all messed up. Like, geez, Luke, just because Lorelai is telling Miss Patty and Babette that her karaoke song didn't mean anything, it doesn't mean that's how she really feels. Like she would tell Miss Patty and Babette the truth about that?

My favorite part was when Chris said he didn't think GiGi is ready for The Search for the Next Pussycat Doll. Ha! Take that, CW.

Better get the kleenex ready for next week's series finale :-( It's going to be hard to say goodbye.

Veronica Mars:
I love this show. It's a triumph, really. Even this week when there was not much mystery in either of the two cases, the show still made for a very entertaining hour.

Yea for Paul Rudd. I have great affinity for him; he is, after all, Josh from Clueless, one of my favorite movies ever. He was hilarious as the washed-up rocker. His radio interview with Piz alone was fantastic. First, he asks the girl in the food court to show him her boobs, then he admits to using drugs and alcohol to get him through the day, and then he points out that a campus Jewish group's initials are S.S. Oy vey.

I also very much enjoyed Dick's online video of himself dancing next to his moving car and running over his own foot. And I do like the Mac and Max combo. Mopey Logan was a little annoying, what with his wondering whether Veronica cheated on him with Piz. No, Logan dear, infidelity is your thing, not 'Ron's. And 'Ron was too busy surveilling Logan to have time to cheat on him :-)

Piznarski is such a sweetie which, according to Paul Rudd, was why he had no women, but now he's got one! Woot! (And Chris Lowell and Kristin Bell are just as adorable in real life! Their interview on cwtv.com is hilarious. Best part is Kristin comparing her seeing Chris to Queen Elizabeth seeing the deer in The Queen. Fantastic.)

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

Amazing Race:
Hmm, Eric and Danielle won. Great. I heard that they have broken up post-race. Which means that Eric is available, ladies. Lucky freaking us....

Desperate Housewives:
I'm not even going to dignify this episode with a response.

Brothers and Sisters:
By far, my favorite moments of this show happen when the brothers and sisters are drunk and spilling each other's secrets. Drunk Kitty and drunk Kevin were the highlights of the episode for me. And Nora and Holly's food fight was pretty amusing too.

Thankfully, we're finally rid of Nora's creepy writing professor. All it took was Holly "showing him her grapes." :-)

Best line:
Kevin's "I don't know why I'm saying these things! It's like I have Tourette's!"

Is it just me, or did the previews for next week's ep make it look like Tommy's twins are conjoined? Hopefully the doctors would have figured that out by now though. I can't think of another show ever having a main character have conjoined twin babies before. I guess we'll see...

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Addison's Anatomy

On Thursday ABC showed the long awaited "pilot" for the Grey's spinoff centering on Addison. It was an interesting way to introduce us to the show: mashing up scenes of Addison in L.A. in with scenes from Grey's 1.0.

Grey's (the flagship):

Remember when the show first started out and Meredith and Christina were so dramatic and messed up and wishy-washy and Burke and Derek used to just look at each other and go, "Sheesh, these women..." Well, now, it's totally Burke and Derek who are freaking out for no reason and being all annoying. The craziness is not as endearing coming from the 40ish men. Get over it, boys.

My other problem was that after Meredith's stepmom died (and what even happened to her, by the way?), the Chief and Bailey have Meredith go tell her dad. Meredith? How is that her duty? The Chief should have told him--if he got slapped in the process he at least had it coming for having an affair with Thatcher's first wife. Poor Meredith--things are just not going her way these last couple weeks. First she almost dies, then her mom does die, then her stepmom dies, then her dad slaps her, and then Derek chats up the girl from Reunion in a bar.

The scene of Christina trying on the wedding dress was awesome. There should have totally been more of that.

Private Practice:
Ugh. Seriously... Grossest. Show name. Ever. Apparently, Shonda's goal for Grey's 2.0 was Grey's but slower, older, and soapier. Well, it was definitely slower. And its cast (except for Piz) are all about Addison's age, so it's older. (I actually think this was one of it's problems. One of the cool things about Grey's is the three different age groups and how they interact.) And I guess it was soapier too, which is saying a lot now that Grey's has almost-deaths, amnesia, and Gizzie.

I thought Addison's Anatomy was going to be good. I like Addison. I like Piz. I like L.A. I like Taye Diggs. I love Tim Daly. And I love Merrin Dungey. So I was excited. Then I see during the credit list that David Anders was in the episode. David freaking Anders! Then I was crazy I-can-barely-sit-still excited. So it's understandable that they didn't live up to my expectations. It would have been hard to meet them, actually. The show does have potential--I think it just needs some tweeks.

  1. If you have David Anders in your episode, use him for frak's sake. Give him more than one line ("do you know who the father is?") and something more interesting to do that just stand around. And, come on, like Sark knocked up the weird girl from Joan of Arcadia. Sark is sooooooo out of her league. Sark is out of everyone's league.
  2. Make Francie/Merrin/Naomi more funny. She can be hilarious (Kitty on Malcolm).
  3. Let Taye be funny too. He was a little funny, but there's room to improve.
  4. Give Tim Daly's character a distinct personality. Don't just make him a Dreamy/Steamy hybrid with a dead wife.
  5. Either change Shrinking Voilet or lose her. She was painful to watch.
  6. That other guy? Lose him.
  7. Piz needs to be more than the hot receptionist. Especially since he's the nerdy nice guy on Veronica Mars. Make him goofy or something.
  8. More interesting patients. It must be hard for Shonda, etc. to come up with interesting patient stories after making 3 seasons of them on Grey's. Maybe they should have a few patients who are recurring characters.
  9. And question: if Francie/Naomi is the best fertility specialist ever, can she not do something for Addison other than just say, "You can't have a baby."

Oh and this isn't about TV, but Spider-Man 3: love!

Harry painting a picture + Harry making an omlet = Fantastic movie!!!

(I love Harry.)

Thursday, May 3, 2007

What a time to be a Gilmore Girl...

The CW is saying that Gilmore is not coming back for another season (even another shortened season). That is bad news. Seriously bad news. This is a dark day :-(

This better mean that they have a time slot open for Veronica Mars on next season's schedule.

Wednesday is not Tuesday or Thursday :-(

America's Next Top Model:
This may be a sign of the apocalypse, but I think I've started to like Jaslene. At least I'm beginning to like her more than Renee and Natasha and Dionne. Not that that's saying too much. Poor Brittney. I had thought she was going to win this cycle, but after the disastrous Cover Girl shoot and the horrible go-sees, she was in a hole even her always-stunning photos couldn't get her out of.

It must be astronaut week! I gotta say, after this week's episodes of L&O: CI and Bones, NASA and the astronauts are not looking too good. It's a dark week for the space program...

This episode was really funny though with all of the conspiracy theories. And I love Bones and Booth. They are adorable.

Bones is a great show. I wish it was not on at the same time as ANTM.

Oh and one thing I've noticed from procedural shows in general: boring people do not get murdered or go missing. The victims in these shows have the most complicated lives ever! Not only are these people ex-astronauts who are being blacklisted by NASA because they think they saw aliens, but they also have coral growing in their bones!

Ugh. I guess I appreciated that this was a non-flashback episode and I didn't have to watch John Locke do yet another stupid thing in the past, but watching him do stupid things in the present isn't a whole lot better. Poor Sawyer. At least Locke was nice enough to warn him that the Others are going to come and take all the pregnant women.

I wish this whole fertility storyline had never happened. It's yucky. Especially since apparently the male fertility rate on this island is astronomical, so every time a man and woman have sex, the woman is getting pregnant, and, oh yeah, that's going to kill her. Great. Because all the women on this island except Kate, Sun and Claire haven't already been killed! Come on.

And seriously, Kate should have kicked Jack in the face at the end. He is such a loser. When exactly did he decide that he's so much better than everyone else? Oh wait, I guess he's always thought that :-P And Juliet is a pain in the butt. I do not understand why people like her.

Sawyer's "So your back from your blow-up-everything-that-could-possibly-get-us-off-this-island tour?"

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

I Love Veronica!

Ahh, a Tuesday with new Gilmore and Veronica! Savor it, boys and girls, because there may not be too many more of them. Which is just freaking wrong, by the way.

Gilmore Girls:
Oh, Rory, I know how you feel. Go ahead and hide under your covers (with your unfinished blue book), I won't hold it against you at all. I must confess, however, that I do find it a bit gratifying to see this girl who has had everything she's ever wanted handed to her on a silver platter floundering a bit now. She'll make it though. There are more that three newspapers in the country, for crying out loud.

I'm still so over Luke. And I remember exactly when I started to detest him: that episode where he bought those stupid self-help books on tape. Ugh. That was three years ago and he's still not working for me. L/L still seems so awkward to me. It always has. I almost find myself longing for the days Max Medina :-) Or Digger. Digger!

And, as for Lorelai, while I would have expected her to sing something a little funkier than "I Will Always Love You" at karaoke night, to quote Zach, Lauren Graham does have some serious pipes! And the look on her face at the end when Logan said he wants to marry Rory and move her to San Fran--- just give the woman her freaking Emmy already! Seriously.

Veronica Mars:
It's back!!! It's back!! Yea!!!!! And Pizonica is totally on! Good for Piz. He's such a nice kid and I think Veronica could use a little nice in her life right now--especially when Parker and Logan seem to be making it their personal duties to rub her face in their relationship and guilt her into hanging out with them. Why did she have to go to Parker's stupid birthday party? Hasn't Veronica done enough for that girl, what with solving the Hearst rape case and all?

Can I just say, though, Veronica rocks! She is such a badass--paintballing the stupid paintball kids, picking up the Arab restaurant worker guy's pictures at the One Hour Photo... Wow, I wish Veronica were a real person and my friend! I would totally just follow her around all day long. She's so freaking interesting.

I thought Papa Mars was a bit of a drag tonight, but I guess somebody has to keep the underagers out of the bars, lest they get drunk and stumble into the street. Cool how he fired four corrupt deputies. When Sheriff Lamb was there, I really don't remember there being that many deputies working in the police station though. It always seemed like it was just him and the deputy with the mustache. But whatever.

Funniest parts:
  • Logan's comment that he bought a special pen that highlights text in neon colors.
  • Logan and Mac making jokes about their good old times in high school like when Logan made a bet that he could turn Mac into the prom queen, but then fell in love with her :-)
  • Keith giving Wallace and Piz really bad fake IDs and Wallace saying, "We really don't all look alike, Mr. Mars."
  • Veronica and Dick in the elevator. Like Mac, I was almost afraid something was going to happen with Veronica and Dick. Thank goodness Veronica is much, much, much too smart for that.
  • Mac and Max, (What's Mac doing? She has that cute save-the-animals boyfriend...) especially Max's "My friends didn't pay you, did they?" You can't blame him for asking; there is precedent.

Oh and is Piz's name really Stosh? Stosh? That's awful. No wonder he goes by Piz, which is also pretty freaking bad.

And finally, Law and Order: Criminal Intent is terrible! They had Jimmy Cooper playing an astronaut and the show was still unwatchable! The story line was blatantly stolen from the news and the dialogue was cumbersome at best. The rotund detective guy could barely get his lines out. And the lady cop sidekick is not any better. Yikes. I think everyone who was watching L&O: CI instead of Veronica Mars last night should have to publicly stand up and account for their poor taste.