Monday, January 24, 2011

Greek: Leave It to Beaver

"All About Beav"

I'm so excited, because tonight's episode of Greek took two of my absolute favorite peripheral characters and put them together! Beaver and Katherine! It's on! I'm so excited; this pairing is epic.
Of course, knowing Beaver and knowing Katherine, it seems highly unlikely that a relationship between the two of them would ever work long-term. But who cares?! This is Greek's final season and we don't have to worry about the long-term! Let's just get together all the couples we want together (Beaver/Katherine, Rusty/Ashleigh, me: Evan/Casey) and break up all the ones we want broken up (Rebecca/Evan, Rusty/Dana). The Greek end is near - we don't have to worry about the post-show consequences!
After the list of tonight's highlights - which are extensive, because this episode was pure bliss from start to finish - I'll pose the important question ignited by tonight's episode:
  • It's Beaver!!! Beaver sleeps with a stuffed penguin! Beaver gets a wake-up call from his mom! This is going to be epic.
  • Beaver: "Yes, Pengy's up too."
  • Beaver: "Know how I'm philanthropy chair?"
    Cappie: "And 'philanthropy' means..."
    Beaver: "No, I remember this time."
  • I LOVE that Beaver just walked out on Cappie mid-pointless rant.
  • Beaver loves Katherine!!! Oh, dear Lord, please make it happen!
  • Beaver: "Oh, pardon me, Bing. I was just moving your girlfriend's breast. I mean chest. I mean drawers..."
  • Beaver's real name is...Walter Boudreaux!!!
  • I've never heard Beaver say so many words in my life.
  • OMFG - tonight, the Greek theme jingle had Beaver singing "Greek, Greek, Greek, Greek, Greeeeek!" over it. Holy crap, this is awesome.
  • The janitor asking Beav if he watched Glee last night.
  • Beav: "Can you believe they almost shut down the glee club? Again?! Close call! Again!"
  • "Don't Mock the Killer Birds" was Beaver's first guess at the name of "To Kill A Mockingbird." Although he was incorrect about the title, that does sound like pretty solid life advice to me.
  • Beaver (looking at Katherine): "I want some of that."
    Casey: "Me too."
  • Beaver: "I have a paper due tomorrow, and I'm going to fail."
    Cappie: "What about the children?"
    Beaver: "I know! They're the future!"
  • "Crabtree and Evan-ly"
  • Cappie: "Now, go on. Get out of my sight!"
    Beaver: "I think that's where he is, Cap."
  • Beav: "You build towers with your books too!"
  • Casey: "Why am I seeing you more today than ever before?"
  • Beaver's second attempt at the name of "To Kill A Mockingbird": "Tequila Drinking Bird"
  • Every fifth page of Casey's law book has been ripped out and substituted with a piece of paper that says "Suck it."
  • How cute is it that they're showing Fisher's T-Mobile commercial during Greek? Except all the Greek fans think he's a dirty, lying cheater, so I don't know if this is such a great idea.
  • Beav: "Not that I condone cheating - or even know what condone means - but sometimes you just get desperate."
  • Just dump her, Evan. It's time to move on.
  • Ash: "Is there a hot science guy?"
    Rusty: "Carl Sagan? Those turtlenecks?"
  • Lol at Casey hiding behind Beaver when they were talking to the creepy guy at the post office.
  • Oh no! Rusty got pulled off his own project! That's a major bummer.
  • Beaver really could have just read the book and written the paper by now. It would have been less work than all of this. Casey probably could have written a bunch of case briefs by now too.
  • Beaver saved the barista's life once when she was choking!
  • Casey: "I know what you mean, I've been trying to keep up with Rusty my whole life."
    Beaver: "I don't think Rusty's very good at football."
  • Katherine: "Rio Nightclub. You know, I haven't heard of it but the name kind of conjures up these images in my mind of relaxing with a Caipirinha and some salsa music after a long but rewarding day of volunteering in the Brazilian slums."
  • Now that Katherine brought it up, I think I'd enjoy a Caipirinha too...
  • So Rebecca just wants Evan's attention, even if they're fighting. Brilliant plan, Rebecca. That's absolutely going to work out well for you.
  • Katherine: "I think they're focusing on the Brazilian slum theme."
  • Ha ha ha! Beaver didn't realize that the "Katherine" Casey was talking about is Katherine.
  • Casey: "Have you been paying attention to anything I said all day?!"
    Beaver: "How should I know, I haven't been paying attention to anything you've said all day!"
  • HEATH!!!! Heath is a stripper. Ahahahahahahahaha!
  • I wonder if Calvin knows Heath is a stripper at Rio Nightclub.
  • Beaver: "Are you Dave? Are you a policeman? I'm so confused right now!"
  • I can't even listen to Heath and Beaver's conversation, because I'm laughing too hard.
  • Beaver trying to take off his pants but not being able to, and Katherine screaming "You gotta take off your shoes first!!"
  • Beaver grabbing some "hush money" from Heath's underwear!
  • Oh my gosh. Tears are streaming down my face. It was nice of them to put this Rusty/Dana breakup scene after the strip club scene to give me a minute to gather myself and stop laughing (and crying).
  • Geez, Cappie. Don't shove Evan just for telling the truth.
  • Oh, yeah, Rebecca, Evan's the idiot in this situation...
  • Evan and Beccs are on the rocks and now Rusty and Dana broke up! Everything's coming up awesome tonight!
  • Beaver: "Your my favorite lady I've never had sex with, Casey."
  • Beaver's almost finished with his 5-year teaching certificate program! He's going to be a kindergarten teacher!! All together now: "Awwwwww!!!!"
  • Beaver: "Are you sure you're in law school? Because this is some pretty basic stuff."
  • Casey really didn't realize that allllllllll of the Evan/Cappie war is because of her?
  • Yea, Beaver! He's going to watch the movie and write the paper himself! I'm so proud.
  • OMFG, KATHERINE IS IN BEAVER'S BED!!!!! Holy freaking crap, I'm about it lose it.
  • Beaver doesn't waste time! He sees Katherine in the morning, decides he likes her, and the next day she wakes up in his bed. Beav is such a fox.
And now for the great debate: Was this one of the best episodes of Greek ever, or was this THE best episode of Greek ever? The only thing that's held it back was a lack of Dale and Calvin, but I honestly didn't really miss them tonight.
While the "best ever?" debate may continue on indefinitely, one thing that we know for sure after this episode is that if Greek must end, there should absolutely be a Beaver-centric spinoff. Beaver, the kindergarten teacher. Can you imagine anything more delightful?


  1. I totally agree with everything you wrote. Beaver & Katherine would be an epic power couple! And how I <3 Beaver, um Walter! (what about the children?) IMHO it became the best episode ever as soon as Beav opened, singing the Greek theme song!

  2. I think you're right: Beaver "singing" the Greek theme song is what sent this episode into "best ever" status.

    Thanks for the comment! I'm glad to hear that I wasn't the only one who was positively losing it over how adorable Walter was.

  3. I’ve only just discovered this show last month when my wife was rewatching the series. I insisted she start over so that we could hinge together. I’ve been saying since the beginning that I want to adopt Beaver, that adorable sonofabitch.

  4. *Binge. Obviously. Not hinge.
