Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Greek: Star-Crossed Lovers

"Gays, Ghosts and Gamma Rays"

Some highlights and observations:
  • Casey's dream was both romantic and educational!
  • Casey's fishing for Ashleigh to suggest that she get Max to help her was pathetic.
  • Max's hair looks even worse than normal at times in this episode. But in other scenes, it looked okay. He needs to be more diligent about his hair maintenance routine.
  • Casey: "Well, I'm big on second chances. Actually, I'm big on third and forth chances too."
  • Of all the would-be TV couples in the world, right now I'm pulling for Casey and Max more than anyone else except for Blair and Chuck. Which is kind of funny, because while Casey does have her Blair-esque moments, Max is basically the anti-Chuck Bass.
  • Rusty and Ben trying to crack the password was funny, esp. Rusty's prognosis that it would take him "between 2 hours and never."
  • Wow, Max and Officer Leo in the same episode! (Unfortunately, Leo's character on Greek alternates between pushy and boring.)
  • Of course Calvin has never been to a gay bar, he's 18! He shouldn't be in any bars!!!
  • Max tutors football players too? Poor Casey.
  • As soon as Joshua Whopper was mentioned, I guessed that he was really Cappie, which turned out to not be the case. I don't feel too bad though, because Rusty thought so too. I'm confused though. If Rusty got an official list of all the active members of Kappa Tau, shouldn't both Cappie's real name and Joshua Whopper's name have been on the list? So by process of elimination, shouldn't Rusty have been able to figure out what Cappie's real name is? It seems unlikely that the official list wouldn't have had the name of the fraternity president on it. Sorry if I'm thinking about you too hard, Greek.
  • Ashleigh: "Oh, he's cute! Weird. But cute!"
  • Rusty: "You're not joshing me?"
  • Rusty: "Margaret Thatcher was one whopper of a prime minister, huh?"
  • Dale helping Rusty study the info on the active Kappa Taus was funny.
  • Dale: "What kind of parents name their kid Fairy?" (Did I hear that correctly? Ha.)
  • Dale eaves dropping on Casey's conversation about liking someone on the honors physics floor was great. Rusty's expression when he caught him listening was hilarious.
  • Casey: "I like Max."
  • Rusty: "I should warn him. You date like Sherman's March, Casey. Scorched earth and broken spirits left in your wake." (Now try to imagine someone saying something like this on 90210, and you falling off your chair in surprise.)
  • Dale (throws his headphones): "Max? Really? The guy's a freaking loser!"
  • Max: "Dale, maybe you can answer me this: why do they always put the environmental awards on the wooden plaques?"
  • Dale: "Nobody likes a show off, Max."
  • Casey: "I don't get it. I asked him to tutor me; why didn't he just tell me he had a girlfriend?"
  • The Kappa Taus (esp. Heath and Beaver) reading the gender studies literature was the funniest they've been for a while. I think it was the funniest KT moment since Beaver read The Great Gatsby aloud.
  • Come on, Casey, stop being dense. We could all see the dead girlfriend reveal coming a mile away, but she kept yammering and making herself look very self-centered.
  • Wait, Casey ran over Rusty's cat, and last week she was bellyaching about him crashing her car into a mechanical horse? That's like an extremely black pot calling a steel gray kettle black.
  • Ashleigh will make a great campus tour guide! Yea for her finding her part-time employment calling!
  • This is a little random, but how awesome is Amber Stevens as Ashleigh? She would be a shoo-in for my favorite character on Greek if I didn't already adore Dale, Rusty, and Calvin so much.
  • Fancy astronomy lab they've got there.
  • This was a good episode, but I didn't love it as much as I loved last week's Casino Night episode. At least we found out what Max's secret is. My horrific event theory from last week turned out to be on target. (I did a lot better at figuring this out than I did at figuring out what "bing" meant.) I'm not sure why his girlfriend dying makes him not want to talk about working for NASA though. I don't understand where NASA fits into the timeline.
  • Casey and Max were so cute together! It will be interesting to see where they go from here. What will they talk about now that Casey doesn't need Max to teach her something (card counting, astronomy)? Seeing how this is Greek, it seems likely that Casey's new relationship will hit some major snags soon enough. I'm also excited to see how Cappie and Evan react to the new couple. And I'm holding out hope that super sweet Max doesn't turn annoying like Casey's other love interests have been known to do.


1 comment:

  1. A clean version of American pie, more realistic, and more interesting to watch..This show exaggerated joy in hearts..Always appreciated!!! Enjoi all eps Download Greek here..
