Monday, September 22, 2008

Gossip Girl: The Coronation

Gossip Girl: "The Ex-Files"
  • Blair: "Where did you summer?"
    Girl: "The Adirondacks."
  • Blair: "Break ups are easy. It's having to see them dating someone else that's hard. Why do you think I rub it in Chuck's face every chance I get?"
    Serena: "Because it's your twisted version of foreplay."
  • Wow, Vanessa is making a killing off her run-ins with the rich. $10,000 from Chuck, a year's rent from Blair, $5,000 from Catherine...
  • Dan waved at Serena again. Shades of their first date.
  • Why is Chuck skulking around? Just to be mean, I guess ;-)
  • Chuck: "Who'd have thought that Humphrey would be the first one to move on. They're sweet together. Did I overhear something about a lunch?"
  • Wow, Lily has no willpower. She's back from her honeymoon for less than a day, and she's already going on dates with Rufus. Bart's gonna love this.
  • Blair: "Lunch. As in the meal before dating."
  • OMFG! Marcus is banging his step mom! I called it weeks ago! Guess that explains why he's in no rush to sleep with Blair. Catherine, however, can't seem to get enough of the boys.
  • Props to Vanessa for having the presence of mind to snap the money shot of Marcus and Catherine.
  • Chuck really has developed quite the interest in the Dan/Serena break up saga.
  • Dan (about the pic of Marcus and Catherine): "Why can't I look away?"
  • Geez, Dan, just cut Serena a break for once. Who the hell cares that she let Blair invite Amanda to lunch before she told Blair to cut it out. (Actually, I think Serena was telling Blair all along not to do it, but Blair wasn't listening. B can be a little headstrong.)
  • Serena: "Just so you know, if this were a competition, I wouldn't need Blair and the posse to win."
  • Wow, ice queen Blair took the Marcus/Catherine reveal hard! Because she really liked him, or because she didn't want Chuck to have the satisfaction of knowing what happened?
  • Is Amanda really worth all this trouble? I think she's kind of annoying.
  • Jenny: "I'm talking about you and Miss Hannah Montana on Gossip Girl."
  • Wow, Jenny has to be Dan's conscience. It's not a good sign when social climber Little J is the moral compass of the family.
  • LOL at Chuck poking Serena with the flower to wake her up. Hilarious.
  • There's no other solution than Serena/Dan/Amanda all going out together? Really? I'd imagine that there are any number of other solutions.
  • Blair: "I thought my family was twisted, but you people take the cake."
  • Leave it to Blair to handle things. Noooo, Vanessa, let Blair deal with it.
  • Serena: "Yeah, he likes poets, and letters to poets."
  • Dan: "Well you certainly picked a winner."
    Serena: "Yeah, he's fun, non-neurotic. I thought it'd be a nice change."
  • Dan missed the point (again). This time, the point was that he hurt Serena's feelings by rebounding so freaking fast and that he should apologize. He is such an asshat.
  • Dan: "You should wear a bell."
    Chuck: "Kinky. I'll think about it."
  • Blair (to Nate): "Hold that non-thought."
  • What is Chuck doing? Why is he going to so much effort to bring back the old Serena? He needs hobbies that don't involve arbitrarily messing with people!
  • Oh my God! I missed some of what Chuck was saying about the purple-ish goo. What is that stuff? And why does it burn people's hair off? And why does Chuck just carry it around?
  • Serena: "Never again. From now on, everything goes through me." (Hey, I'm finally starting to like Serena.)
  • OMFG--Chuck put Amanda up to it all along! Finally, his endgame is revealed, and--no surprise here--it's all about Blair. He's trying to instigate a second coming of the Blair/Serena feud. So he thinks that if Blair is knocked off her pedestal, she'll come and slum it with him. (There is precedent; after he had her humiliated last year in the two-guys-in-one-week incident, she did come to hang out with him.)
  • Chuck: "I had to create a monster if I was going to dethrone a queen."
  • My sister made the astute observation that all the follower girls switched from wearing headbands (Blair) to boho head scarfs (Serena) overnight. Does this mean I have to change Headband Monday to Headscarf Monday? Because I'm not cool with that.
  • Serena putting her head scarf around Blair's neck was bizarre. Perhaps it was a hint that she's supposed to be wearing a scarf now too?
  • Chuck: "Hey, look who's back on top. I wonder how that happened? Wait, now that I think about it, I know exactly how that happened."
  • Wow, Serena is no joke. She rules with an iron fist. Awesome.
  • I can't say I'm heartbroken to see Dan Humphrey get shunned.
  • Gossip Girl: "Bow down or bow out."
  • Holy moly, the politics and power plays of Gossip Girl put Machiavelli to shame! They really played up the theme tonight, and the whole show can be viewed as a modern day tale of intrigue in a royal court (a la The Tudors and the myriad of other royal court dramas). Amazing. Tour de force episode.

It's Headband Monday... (off-white with a bow from Forever 21):

(Gossip Girl photo:


  1. Lily is back!

    Hahahahah, I love Blair's auditioning of the new girls!
    "I blame the voucher system. It's like the government doesn't care."

    Blair can really get her hands on anything can't she? How did she get Amanda's file?

    I hope Vanessa doesn't cash that, it's too sketchy to be profiting off this.

    Wave, yes, very first date.

    Amanda looks 15. Is it Manda or Amanda?

    Lily shoes up at Rufus' the first day she's back and Bart is conveniently away on business? yeesh'

    I thought Amanda would have a bit more of a backbone when it comes to Blair! Will no one stand up to her?

    Ew! Marcus is doing the duchess? How sick is that? I knew British royalty was incestuous.

    Blair did take that awfully hard, I thought she would see it and just start scheming.

    I take it back, Amanda is very schemey herself.

    "Chuck! Boundaries! Get out!" hahaha

    I love how they can just take mornings off from school when they feel like it.

    Marcus just sounds like poetic BS now.

    "I just want to get through this without throwing up in my mouth."

    Whoa, Vanessa, going to the husband.

    What an awkward triple date. This is painful.

    Haha, that girl with the brother at Dalton came in handy.

    Yeesh, Dan needs to go to the Wizard of Oz and get a heart.

    Nair-tini? Huh? The stuff Chuck squeezed into that glass was Nair!

    Serena cancels movie night so Lily goes to watch with Rufus? At least Rufus calls her out. Ouch, Lily didn't count on Rufus dating.

    At least now whenever anything happens, Serena can take credit for it.

    What a turnaround! I love that Chuck hired Amanda! Though I'm not sure about his plan...

    They're all wearing scarves instead of headbands! You saw that too!

    Dan's going to have to go somewhere else for his girls...

    I wonder where it can go from here? It seems like Jenny is going to skip school all the time, Dan will have to make friends with normal people, and Serena is going to take over the world!

  2. "Yeesh, Dan needs to go to the Wizard of Oz and get a heart."

    Ha ha ha ha ha.

    So, yeah, it's been a couple of weeks and I still think that Nair-tini was horrific! Rich kids these days are so mean!
