Saturday, September 13, 2008

Greek: Casino Night

"Let's Make a Deal"

Greek has sneakily become one of my favorite hours of television each week. Unlike other forays into the teen/young adult soap opera, it has likable characters (90210) and witty dialogue (Secret Life of an American Teenager), and it doesn't take itself too seriously. All of which combine for a fun TV experience.

I think this episode of Greek was even more fun than usual, because--seriously--who doesn't love a good Casino Night episode? And, since I'm now borderline-obsessed with counting cards, it was educational too! Seriously, though, props to Greek, because after watching the movie 21, I can attest that not all card counting themed shows/films are enjoyable (that movie was 2 of the longest hours of my life...).

I loved, loved, loved the team of Casey, Rusty, Ashleigh, and Max. (Unfortunately, pairing them all up for one storyline left Cappie and Rebecca alone in their subplot and Frannie and Evan alone in theirs, which isn't ideal.) And even though Max adds yet one more guy to Casey's ever-expanding list of love interests in the second semester (what is it up to now? 20?), I love them together. Personally, I'm now okay with her stepping out of the Cappie/Evan box, and Max is so sweet and smart. And he is not yet nearly as annoying as both Evan and Cappie have become.

But what is the deal with Max? At the end when he was talking to Casey and got spooked when she suggested they go to Dobbler's, it seemed like he might be agoraphobic. That would fit with the fact that he doesn't seem to leave his room very much at all. But, he did leave to go to the Casino Night, and he didn't seem to be upset at all while he was there until the very end (not immediately after Casey hugged him, but soon thereafter). So, I feel like there's something else. And it would also have to explain why he left/got kicked out of NASA. I'm stumped. Maybe the problem is not so much an actual psychological disorder/phobia as some really bad experience he had that has left him emotionally vulnerable. Maybe I'm giving this too much thought.

As for Evan, I don't think he made the wrong choice signing away his freedom to get his trust fund. If he signs and then breaks the rules, the consequence is no more trust fund. If he doesn't sign, the consequence is no more trust fund. So, it seems to me that the logical course of action is to sign the contract and bleed the darn fund dry until the day he decides he actually wants to "go off the map" (whatever that means). No need to forgo the money now because he hypothetically might want to break the rules later. At least that's the way I see it.

Just for the record: there was no Dale in this episode.

Best quotes (and my other thoughts):

  • Rusty: "When I was 16, I borrowed her car for my DMV test, and I ended up in a grocery store parking lot, and I ran over one of the coin-operated horse rides."
  • I can't believe Ashleigh's just getting her credit card bill now. I also didn't know that such things as "charge cards" still existed.
  • Dino appears! And the writers included a cute shout out to the fan confusion regarding Dino:
    ZBZ girl: "I thought Evan was the president of Omega Chi."
    Frannie: "No no. Dino's always been president; Evan's the pledge educator. You need to pay more attention."
  • Rusty: "Two hours. That's all I need."
    Casey: "Rusty, two hours was all you needed for your driver's test, remember?"
    Rusty: "I knew you'd bring that up!"
    Casey: "It took four produce men and five quarters to get my car off that horse!"
  • Theoretically, Casey could drive Rusty to the store so he could shop for supplies.
  • Ashleigh: "42! I got double blackjack!"
  • The Chambers family is a real trip.
  • Does anyone think that the writers might ever try a romantic Rusty/Ashleigh relationship? I think it might work, and it would be interesting.
  • Max (to Rusty while Casey is in the room): "Hey, I got your note. Sorry, I'm car-less. Also, sorry about your sister; she sounds terrible."
  • Casey: "Do you own anything that doesn't look like you want to climb a mountain?"
  • Casey's 1960s-inspired dress and hair combined for one of her best looks.
  • Betsy is hilarious.
  • Betsy: "I don't need alcohol to have a good time. I'm high on life."
    Max: "Cherish every moment."
  • Calvin makes a good pit boss.
  • Ashleigh's evil nerd almost-boyfriend is back! I like it when shows bring back the random characters that they discarded (if it makes sense).
  • Ashleigh: "He said polymers are about as interesting as a dirt sandwich.'
    Rusty: "A dirt sandwich that's found in almost every adhesive--"
    Max: "--and lubricant on the planet! Stupid knuckle-dragging astrophysicists!"
  • Calvin: "So which ones to we mark?"
    Rusty: "The twos, threes, and fours, so that when he thinks he's getting a high card, he's getting a low one, baby!"
    Calvin: "Don't call me 'baby.'"
  • Ok, so I'm thinking there might be a reason we don't see too much of Dino. He's kind of a dork with the constant "It's almost midnight" announcements.
  • Rusty writing "sucker" on his arm in the invisible marking ink was awesome.
  • For a while I thought Cappie would throw the game so that Team Casey would win.
  • Where is Ashleigh going to find a job working 25 hours a week at $20 per hour? Or one working 2 hours a week at $250 per hour? I can actually think of one occupation that makes you that kind of money, but it's not legal... (Also, she's forgetting to factor in taxes.)
  • Next week is going to be great if Dale thinks Casey like him!

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