Wednesday, August 15, 2007

SYTYCD: Finale! It's decision time.

It's part one of the finale of So You Think You Can Dance!

Here's my commentary on the whole (too long and drawn-out) shebang:

Opening: Yep, even after the opening montage, I'm still pretty bored with these four dancers.

Random. Commercial for Nashville. If FOX is so proud of bringing us The O.C., why did it cancel it in the fourth season in favor of "Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader?"

Group number: Broadway. That was ok, I guess, but that was no "Sexy Back," the fantastic final four group number of season 2 (btw, how did Wade Robson go from this to little foxes in less than a year?!). The camera work bugged me because they were showing only one or two of the dancers at a time and you couldn't grasp the whole picture.

Lacey's solo: Judging from Nigel's comments, I can tell he doesn't want her to win. I guess he's of the school of thought that two Schwimmer winners in a row would be bad.

Sabra and Neil: Hip hop. It was danced ok, but it was just not the coolest routine ever. There was a lot of bouncing, but it wasn't very hard-hitting (which seems to be the idea of hip hop, at least according to this show). Not nearly as cool as Pasha and Lacey's hip hop routine last week.

Lacey and Danny: Viennese waltz. Not another Viennese waltz... and why do we have to waltz to Avril Levine? Ugh. Now Danny seems more like a big dork than a snob, which is a huge step up in my book. This was a very lovely routine. The best part was Danny and Lacey getting into an argument over whether she was telling the truth about putting the Popsicle stick in her glove. That was hilarious. She's telling this long, detailed story and Danny just flat-out says she's lying. HA!

Neil's solo: What I like best about Neil are his jumps--the amplitude and extension on them are sick.

Lacey and Sabra: Jazz. Foxes? Really? I'm confused: why are the foxes wearing kimonos and holding scarves in their mouths? The foxes seemed a little hard-hitting and spastic. Ha ha, despite that, I liked it. I thought Sabra and Lacey did a great job of performing it.

Danny's solo: Nice series of leaps. Sheesh, Travis was completely beside himself over this... Oh well, if Travis liked it, I like it. Ok, whoa, I just rewatched it and Danny did so many consecutive pirouettes that I couldn't even count them. It was ridiculous. Give Danny the title just for that. I would like to see Danny relate to his music a little more, though, which is something that I always thought Travis did really, really well.

Danny and Neil: Contemporary. Is this favoritism? The two girls have to do something about foxes and the boys get to do contemporary, which is basically both their specialty? Ooooh--dance fighting! Fun! Neil plays a disturbed/paranoid monarch frighteningly well. Hmm, maybe this performance was believable because they really don't like each other...they certainly don't seem to enjoy standing next to each other to hear the judges comments.

Sabra solo: Probably my favorite because you could really feel the passion behind what she was doing. I love that she's only been dancing for four years.

Lacey and Neil: the Lindy Hop? This looks dangerous. But, that was a fun routine. It was great how they were scared out of their minds, but kept their faces looking like it was super easy.

Danny and Sabra: Cha Cha! Yea! There hasn't been enough Latin lately (other than the Pasa Doble, which I've had enough of). Why wasn't Danny wearing shoes to practice with sabra when she's wearing spike heels? The beginning of this routine didn't stun me, but the end was really nice. They seemed like they were in a little over their heads with the cha cha, but they ended up making it work. It makes me giggle when they make Danny wiggling his hips; you can just tell it's not quite what he wants to be doing.

Hmm, well, I'm at a loss. Any one of them winning is fine with me. I would like a girl to win, but I'm not sure that Lacey or Sabra did enough to pull it off. I guess I'll finally climb on to the Danny bandwagon because of that insane solo pirouetting and the cha cha hip-wiggling. And I don't mind that his personality doesn't totally translate in a reality show format. That's probably a good thing.

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