Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Best Quotes of Greek: Rusty

Rusty Cartwright has spent his college years not only straddling the very different worlds of honors physics and fraternities, but also by being a loving brother, loyal friend, and all-around sweetheart. While Rusty is not as out-there as Dale or his KT brothers, he is surprisingly funny. In fact, his sweet, mild-mannered nature often makes his comments even funnier than those of his more wild cohorts.

The Best Quotes of Rusty:

Rusty: "[The fraternity] is closed this weekend because most of the guys are away in Mexico...building huts... It's for Habitat for Humanity, but 'hubitat'."

Karen (Rusty's mom): "Why did he call you 'Spitter'?"
Rusty: "That's my nickname... Yeah, I spit on injustice everywhere. Figuratively."

Rusty: "When I was 16, I borrowed her car for my DMV test, and I ended up in a grocery store parking lot, and I ran over one of the coin-operated horse rides."

Ashleigh: "He said polymers are about as interesting as a dirt sandwich.'
Rusty: "A dirt sandwich that's found in almost every adhesive--"
Max: "--and lubricant on the planet! Stupid knuckle-dragging astrophysicists!"

Casey: "I like Max."
Rusty: "I should warn him. You date like Sherman's March, Casey. Scorched earth and broken spirits left in your wake."

Rusty: "Yes, I am in a frat, but we prefer fraternity, actually. I mean, would you call your country a--"

Rusty: "I guess you could say that when it comes to little boys, I have the touch... That's not what I meant."

Rusty: "Now go out there and proudly spread your seed! ...I'm really not sure what's wrong with me today."

Rusty: "Do you realize how many nights in high school I sat alone watching Joan of Arcadia with my mother while Casey went out with all of her friends."

Rusty: "She already has friends in New York. What, do they sit around Central Perk? Talk about what to name Rachel's baby?"

Dale: "Dude, comic book conventions are just crawling with hotties! Everyone know that."
Rusty: "Yeah! No, they don't."

Rusty: "The preppy jackass!"
Evan: "What did you call me?"
Rusty: "You heard me!"

Rusty: "How many times do I have to get hit in the face before it's about me too?"

Rusty: "We just value weird things, like spitting tequila on girls and eating a table leg."


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