Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Best Quotes of Greek: Casey

Casey Cartwright is the sun that anchors the Greek solar system. By and large over the years, it has been Casey's romantic entanglements we've navigated and Casey's personal growth we've championed. Her mistakes and imperfections have made her all the more likable and relatable as our heroine, and it's nice that she seems to not realize how awesome she is. It's not easy being a main character amongst a group of standout sidekicks and peripheral players capable of stealing every scene in which they appear, but Casey's charm and charisma has kept her firmly rooted in our hearts. When you consider how smart, perceptive, funny, beautiful and strong Casey is, it comes as no surprise that she attracts such ardent devotion from her friends, her sorority sisters, her brother, her boyfriends, her other admirers and Greek's faithful viewers.

The Best Quotes of Casey:

Frannie: "I want to come back to ZBZ."
Casey: "I want Jessica Simpson to stop putting out CDs, but you can't always get what you want."

Casey (when Rusty expressed disappointment with the realities of Spring Break): "It's the New Year's Eve syndrome; you can never live up to the hype. I blame the media."

Rusty: "Two hours. That's all I need."
Casey: "Rusty, two hours was all you needed for your driver's test, remember?"
Rusty: "I knew you'd bring that up!"
Casey: "It took four produce men and five quarters to get my car off that horse!"

Casey: "I can't do it anymore, Max. I can't compete with Sarah. She was a world-saving Buddhist philosopher who died tragically young from cancer. Last week, I got visibly upset because someone dribbled coffee on my Entertainment Weekly."

Casey: "Last year, two girls almost came to blows over whether Cameron Diaz looks better as a blonde or brunette. And, yes, those two girls were Ashleigh and me."

Casey: "And all that plan got Jerry Maguire was a goldfish and Renee Zellweger, and we don't want either of those."

Ashleigh: "You don't know what it's like to go through college without a boyfriend. You went from Cappie to Evan to Max. And then you went from Evan to Cappie to..."
Casey: "If she says Max, I will cut you."

Frannie: "You're such a creature of habit."
Casey: "And you're such a creature!"

Casey: "Since Max has been gone, I've gotten so much done: cleaning, organizing... I'm thinking of taking up an instrument."

Casey: "Last week my father said the world better watch out for me, and I'm thinking why? Because of my ability to name every guy Carrie Bradshaw slept with in season order?"

Ashleigh: "I'm pretending you're the lemon!"
Casey: "Bitter's not pretty, Ash."

Casey: "Do you think cats put us on their pillows?"

Casey: "She mentioned she has an 8 a.m. class she hates, but who can blame her? Brains don't work that early."

Casey: "She's not some normal girl who only learns about sex by teenage vampire movies! She reads! So you're not only competing against Robert Pattinson but also Lady Chatterley's Lover."


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