Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Greek: Rusty Swallows Three Baby Fish

Greek: "Hell Week"

The highlight of Greek's third "season" finale was by far when Rusty assumed he was supposed to swallow the (alive) fish, did it, and then found out that's not what he was supposed to do at all. It was absolutely horrific! But the genuinely stunned reaction from the Kappa Tau brothers was hilarious. Poor Rusty. And poor Beaver, because he took the whole incident pretty hard. At first, I had made the same assumption as Rusty, but I couldn't believe that even the Kappa Taus would so flagrantly fly in the face of PETA with their hazing techniques.

Exchange of the Night:
Cappie: "You were supposed to take care of the fish this week, not eat them!"
Rusty: "Then why'd you give us bibs?!"
Cappie: "This is a baby fish papoose pouch!"

Aside from that ordeal, I didn't find this episode to be particularly spectacular. After reading about the humongous "game changer," I was expecting more than Frannie being a pain in the butt again (this time by starting her own sorority). I don't don't think the will-Rebecca-go-with-Frannie-or-stay-at-ZBZ cliff hanger holds up very well. For 90% of the series, Rebecca has been nothing but aggravating. If Frannie wants her, she can have her, for all I care. Good riddance to them all. Think how much better ZBZ will be when all the losers go with Frannie.

I think what most surprised me was that Cappie and Casey did not actually have their customary season finale make out session. I'm not sure how I feel about Max (apparently) turning down Cal Tech. I like his character and I like him and Casey together, but I can't help but feel that he's wasting his time with Casey, who will probably end up getting back together with both with Cappie AND Evan during the course of her senior year (which will probably stretch through at least four of Greek's "seasons"). I see a rocky road ahead, but if Cappie wants her back so badly, it will be nice if he has to get off his butt and fight for her a bit.

I also thought that Calvin was going to drop out of Omega Chi after finding out that Evan hit Rusty in the face with the paddle.

Highlights and observations:
  • The circling people's body issues in permanent marker idea came straight from Veronica Mars, and Cappie can't deny it.
  • No one should give this much power over other people to Cappie. Or Evan (obviously).
  • Cal Tech really just got back to Max now? That's kind of last minute.
  • Frannie and Evan having appointments with realtors sounds like trouble.
  • Dale: "You two wouldn't know hell if it stuck you in the bottom with a pitch fork."
  • Beaver: "I accidentally scooped you three fish, Rusty."
  • Rebecca: "Can I please get a ZBZ patchwork quilt? I'm redecorating my cabin up at Lake Tacky-crap."
  • Beaver doesn't seem to have gotten over his obsession with Wikipedia.
  • Eew, mayonnaise potstickers? I like potstickers, but that's disgusting.
  • Dale: "Nine months of temptation, God, and I proved myself."
  • Rusty: "Now I have to prove to the actives why I'm a true Kappa Tau."
    Dale: "Well, you could just show them a biopsy of your decayed liver."
  • I loved Dale's last scene. They usually play his ardent religious beliefs for comedic relief, but in this scene, he talked about his faith and came off seeming very wise and comforting. That was a very classy scene on Greek's part.
  • Ugh, it's L.C. Didn't I get enough of her when she was on Privileged for no reason? Ick, Casey dreams that she's getting life advice from L.C.? No wonder she's messed up.
  • Did Casey really not expect that Cappie would be in the bar? I'm not buying that.
  • Cappie: "Let me guess, Max is having an emotional affair with his World of Warcraft teammate, right?"
  • Not sure taking life advice from Cappie is much better than taking it from L.C. Especially since Cappie's got one huge ulterior motive here.
  • I do totally agree with Casey when she says, "I can't keep making decisions based on the guys in my life."
  • Poor Max is about to burst into tears. This week has been rough on my favorite TV relationships: first what went down between Chuck and Blair and now this!
  • How did Evan recognize the back of Rusty so quickly?
  • Rusty and Evan are both really fast!
  • Wow, the sound of Rusty's scream really carried! He was still a long way away.
  • That was a very ugly fight in the middle of the street. I'd say I was surprised that Evan sucker-smacked Rusty in the face with the paddle, but I'm not. Evan has sunk very, very low these past few months.
  • I am surprised that Rusty doesn't have more nose damage after that smack.
  • The school is just allowing Frannie to start her own sorority? Aren't there rules about that?
While this wasn't my favorite episode of Greek, I'm going to miss this show a lot while it's on hiatus. Time and time again moments like Rusty swallowing the fish prove that this show is head and shoulders better than it needs to be.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Gossip Girl: Falling Down The Rabbit Hole

Gossip Girl:
"Pret-A-Poor J"

Just bullets:
  • It's nice that if we can't see Blair and Chuck together for real, we can at least watch it in Blair's fantasy.
  • If Jenny's running around like a crazy person, when did she have time to get so "bored" that she cut and colored her hair? Ugh, and it's so not an improvement.
  • I could tell Chuck was bluffing in the limo and was just going to shut the window in Blair's face. She should have known better.
  • That jumpsuit thing on Willa/Agnes is not great. No wonder Jenny's dress looks good compared to that.
  • Jenny: "He thinks of me like a little sister."
    Agnes: "Yeah, a little sister he'd like to do!"
  • Dan trying to give Blair advice with her Chuck issues without judgment is funny. Blair and Dan have potential to be a dream team. All of their collaborations seem to turn out pretty well.
  • Blair: "Well look for finally got a little interesting."
  • Dan: "I'm sure it's a fluke."
  • If the buyers want stuff for NEXT season, why didn't Eleanor have anything prepared? That seems like extremely shoddy business. She is an established designer; how has she made it this far?
  • Wow, Chuck and Blair both changed clothes before they went out for the drink?
  • Blair: "I've wanted to change my signature scent. I'm trying out a new one and I can't decide if I like it. Do you mind?"
    Chuck: "It smells a little like desperation."
  • Blair spilled her drink on Chuck's pants! Oh, Blair.
  • Chuck: "While your efforts were admirable, I'm bored, and you ruined my pants. Goodnight, Blair."
  • Aaron/RISD guy's glasses are a little out of hand.
  • Serena "knows a lot about spelling"? Really? I'm not sure I buy that.
  • Aaron is not the best actor ever. He's a little mumbly.
  • Blair: "I didn't even get a chance to show him my necklace tangled up in my hair!"
  • Dan: "So he left abruptly?"
    Blair: "Like a Bass out of hell."
  • You can tell Blair loves Chuck because she must devote an awful lot of time to coming up with puns on his name.
  • How is Dan doing a good job of helping Blair plot this when he is so bad and managing his own relationships?
  • Blair: "I'll let you know what happens."
    Dan: "Ohh, please don't."
  • The bar's serving 15-year-old Little J?
  • Nooooo, Chuck, you care! Don't fall for Blair's trick. There you go, good recovery.
  • I don't really need to see this much of Little J's big night out... even if Willa Holland is involved.
  • Why doesn't Jenny have a pattern for the dress? She just cut the fabric out haphazardly and it worked out?
  • Dan: "Wow. Someone loves Chuck Bass!"
  • Yeah, Eleanor, you should have know better than to give so much responsibility to a child.
  • It looks likes like Serena's wearing a college visit outfit tonight. Isn't that what short dresses with plunging necklines are for?
  • Since when is this Vanessa's opening?
  • How often does Aaron really have to give the "I'm not dating right now" excuse to people, really? Come on.
  • Serena: "The roof?"
    Blair: "Yeah, that way if he doesn't say it back, I can just jump."
    Serena: "No, don't do it, Blair, you don't want your obit to say that you died in Brooklyn."
  • Why do I feel like Willa is a white rabbit that leading us straight down a rabbit hole?
  • Wow, Nate--the voice of reason! And he even points out that the photographer looks old. Thank you!
  • Chuck: "At the White Party when you were on your way out with the Count? Did you really think I was going to say it then?"
    Blair: "Yes, and when you didn't, I wanted to die!"
  • Well, that Chuck/Blair scene wasn't pretty, but at least no one jumped off the roof.
  • Duh, Dan, Blair really loves Chuck--you knew that 10 minutes ago before you talked to Vanessa and she sapped your intellect.
  • The creepy photographer taking pictures of himself kissing Agnus was creepy.
  • We've got some ominous music here.
  • Oh, Little J! It just keeps getting worse and worse. Don't let people take pictures of you when you are in your bra and tights! Thank goodness Nate has these streaks where he acts like a parent.
  • At least put your dress on before you go outside, dumbass.
  • Chuck: "What we like is this."
    Blair: "The game."
  • Well, compared to that other guy, Nate is age-appropriate for Jenny.
  • Whoa, Nate, don't pull up her dress in the middle of the street! I thought you were trying to keep her clothed in public.
  • Yes, lock Little J up! She has a tendency to be a great, nice person for a while and then, all of a sudden, she just goes totally bonkers at the drop of a hat. (Come to think of it, several people do that on this show: esp. Serena, Nate.)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Mad Men: In the Event of an Emergency

Mad Men: "Meditations in an Emergency"

It's no secret that I didn't love Mad Men the first time I saw it. But, for some reason, I could never really shake this show. When it was on, I'd occasionally check in on it, and I kept abreast of the larger plot points by reading the articles and spoilers about it on and, etc. It was definitely, though, the show's second season that really hooked me. Somewhere along the line, I found myself watching one of the season 2 episodes and not being able to turn away. Then I watched the next one and then the next one and then the next, and suddenly a full-on obsession was born. With starling precision, Mad Men turned from a show I begrudgingly respected to a show I couldn't stop thinking about. In fact, it's now easily among the 5 shows that I'm most emotionally invested in at the moment (I suppose the others would be Gossip Girl, Greek, Pushing Daisies, and Chuck).

What's most amazing is that the characters I didn't like from the pilot have turned into people I literally spend time worrying about. (Will Don ever get his act together? Will Joan be able to find the strength to leave her asshat fiance? Will Betty float away? etc.) Impressively, Mad Man takes a bunch of characters who are not overly likable on the surface and makes you truly care about them anyway. It's kind of like a show full of Chuck Basses. So of course I'm loving it.

I thought this season 2 finale episode was fantastic. Set during the uncertainty of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the characters struggled with uncertainly in their own lives. The episode was packed with new developments: Betty finds out that she's pregnant, Don finally mans up and makes a better effort at trying to get Betty back, Pete reveals that he knows he should have picked Peggy, Peggy reveals to Pete that she had his baby, Don threatens to leave Sterling Cooper, etc. But even with all of that, Mad Men still found time for some of those heart-wrenching moments of quiet desperation that define the show. This episode was a tour de force from beginning to end, and I think somebody wants another Emmy. (Speaking of Emmys, if the women of Man Men get shut out again, there is no justice in the world.)

Highlights and mediations:
  • I adore this show's fantastic opening theme and credits. It's addictive. I just want to keep watching it over and over again.
  • I loved how the episode began with Betty looking at the deer panting in the doctor's office. She definitely has a Bambi quality to her and also a deer-in-the-headlights look and attitude.
  • Oh, poor Betty is pregnant. Which is just awesome, because Betty and Don make such fantastic parents.
  • Doctor: "Are you concerned with your appearance?" (What a butthead.)
  • Finally, people are speculating about what Don's problem is and where he disappeared too!
  • WHAT?! Don came to the stables? Holy moly, even the slightest show of (normal) effort from him floors me sometimes.
  • I have a feeling that "I was not respectful to you" might be the closest thing to an admission of the affair(s) that we're going to get out of Don.
  • But, it's not good enough for Betty. No, no, Betty, this might be the best you're ever going to get. It's time to stop being an ice queen.
  • Poor stupid Pete is scared out of his mind about the Clearasil thing.
  • Oh no, don't promote Pete! That seems like something we might regret.
  • Duck's banking on Don having a non-compete clause in his contract with Sterling Cooper.
  • Don (to Peggy): "Do I work for you now?"
  • Wow, Peggy looks hot today; she's wearing a form-fitting dress. So, what happened, she heard about the Cuban Missile Crisis and decided to tart up her look?
  • Pete: "What happened? One minute I'm standing next to you in the car port and the next I'm tap dancing for General Dynamics!"
    Don: "Sorry, I missed that."
  • Don: "You wanted to see me?"
    Roger: "About three weeks ago."
  • Roger: "Kennedy's daring them to bomb us right when I got a second chance."
  • Sally: "Mommy doesn't like to eat."
  • That was a gorgeous shot of Betty looking in the store window.
  • Well, I guess with all of Betty's drinking and smoking, there's a chance the baby isn't going to make it anyway.
  • Wow, Bar Guy is hot! And he sounds I know him from somewhere? OMG, I looked it up, and he's Captain Awesome from Chuck!!!! I couldn't even tell from looking at him. Oh, that's so cool.
  • Whoa, Betty! Making out with Bar Guy in the bathroom hallway! She looks like she's going to pass out. Betty! I know the guy's hot, but this is not the appropriate way to deal with your issues.
  • Yea, Betty's eating something! (I guess it takes adultery to make her hungry?)
  • Pete's wife (Trudy) is evacuating to Rehoboth Beach!! Count me in!
  • Harry: "Bad news! ...I checked the fridge and there's canapes--really good ones!"
  • Wow, Pete told Don about Duck being president; he's kind of redeeming himself.
  • Don's letter to Betty: "I understand why you want to move on without me, and I know that you won't be alone for long, but without you, I'll be alone forever."
  • Roger: "Don, is this necessary?"
    Duck: "It is. Because he likes this room and hearing the sound of his own voice."
  • Don doesn't have a contract! He can start his own agency. Wow. That could be very interesting.
  • Any way the Russians can just nuke Joan's fiance and no one else?
  • Pete: "You're perfect... I wish I'd picked you then... I love you and I want to be with you."
    Peggy: "Pete, I could have had you in my life forever if I had wanted to."
  • Despite the threat of impending nuclear war, Pete had been having a pretty good day: he was promoted, he got praise from Don...but this scene with Peggy has brought his good day to an abrupt end. He just poured his heart out to her, and she rather calmly replied by telling him what has to be one of the most devastating things imaginable. I know Pete's a schmuck, but you have to feel badly for him now. My guess is that this experience hardens him and he turns into an even bigger jerk than he was before.
  • So the Drapers are going to try to get it together for Baby Number Three. I'm sure it won't be an easy road, but it's nice that they're actually going to give it a try.
  • I liked that they showed footage from the Mad Men wrap party after the episode. It's nice to see all of the actors in modern clothing (Elizabeth Moss looks so much better). I didn't know that Christina Hendricks has a Southern accent. I wish they would have shown some footage from the Mad Men review as well!
It sounds like it might be a long wait before Mad Men returns, but I can't wait for this fascinating ride to continue.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pushing Daisies: Rent a Friend, Save a Show

Pushing Daisies: "Frescorts"

Although I'm very much not on board with the whole Lily-is-really-Chuck's-mother-and-Charles-is-
so-they-are-just-pretending-to-be-her-aunts thing, I am still very, very much on board with Pushing Daisies in general.

The way I see it, PD's PD's second season has been composed of two very good episodes (Bzzzzz!" and "Bad Habits") and two fantastic episodes ("Circus, Circus" and "Frescorts"). Despite the show's continued exceptional quality, its ratings have been sup-par at best. So it looks like it's time to dust off the old save-our-show fan campaign skill set: send letters and e-mails to ABC, sign the online petition, tell people you know to watch, etc. If you care about this show (and you should, trust me), you can stay abreast of the fan campaign at and at Hopefully some sort of daisy-mailing will happen soon too.

As for "Frescorts," I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. I thought that Ned opening the door to reveal the (happy-looking) taxidermied Golden Retriever holding a guitar was hands down one of the funniest moments of this new TV season.

Also, it was nice to see Ned making more of an effort to get along on his own a bit--he's been acting awfully needy towards Chuck this season. And now he might even have a new (albeit creepy) friend, who at least didn't kill anyone (that we know of) and whom he doesn't have to pay to like him.

I also liked seeing Olive and Chuck try to be friends, only to discover that their baggage proved impossible to ignore when they were forced to confront it when they were both stuffed in the same locker. It was convenient that they're both so skinny that the two of them could fit in the same locker. But they both decided that they're relationship is worth working on, which was nice.

And Emerson got to have some fun with his entertaining PI mother. (Boy, was Emerson one cute baby!)

Also, this episode featured a star turn by Dana Davis, who--like Chi McBride--was eons more likable in Pushing Daisies than she was in The Nine (and also much better than she was in Heroes, but that's an entirely different story).

Exchange of the Episode:
Ned: "It's tough. You share your life with someone and suddenly there's an abyss where a person always was before."
Randy: "You lost a roommate too?"
Ned: "And girlfriend. Same person."
Randy: "Your roommate slash girlfriend died?!"
Ned: "Yeah. I mean no. She moved out. Sorry, doesn't compare. Not even remotely."
Randy: "You're not completely alone though. Golden Retriever, right?"
Ned: "Yeah! Digby...would be a source of comfort if he didn't prefer living with my girlfriend, her new bestie, and their pig!"

Olive: "Here comes the center of the universe, pulling us all into her gravitational orbit of blame."
Chuck: "Oh, well, FYI, um, there is no center of the universe because our universe is forever expanding."
Olive: "Like your neediness."

Sorry, I can't end the post without reasserting my annoyance with the Lily-is-Chuck's-mom story line. I don't mind it on principle, but when you think about it, it doesn't make sense. Supposedly, Vivian was the fiancee of Charles Charles (we'll call him CC) until he told her he'd knocked up someone else (Lily, but Viv doesn't know that). So Viv and CC break up, and CC raises Chuck by himself after Lily gives birth to her in the convent. So then, why when CC died would Viv (the jilted fiancee) and Lily (the jilted fiancee's sister who "has nothing to do with any of this") rush to Chuck and adopt her, becoming her surrogate "aunts"? It doesn't make any sense. Why would you go raise the child that your cheating fiance fathered with someone else while engaged to you? Why would your sister go along with it?

Anyway, the rest of the show is still awesome. Help to save Pushing Daisies!!!


Greek: Three's Company

"Three's a Crowd"

The Phillies are in the World Series for the first time in 15 years, and I've been an avid Phillies fan for 13 long seasons. So, obviously, I'm watching the series when it's on, which means that I have to play catch-up on my other television commitments. It's hectic, but I finally got to this week's Greek, which is the second to last episode before a mini-season finale (and please don't ask me which season it is).

The best part of this episode was the further exploration of Rusty and Dale's "bromance" (to borrow a term from Chuck Bass). Those two are just so adorable. It was fun to see Rusty get jealous of Dale's Purity Pledge brother Kirk (played by guest star Dan Byrd of Aliens In America) who was extremely hyper-active--a.k.a. "totally baked." But it was even better to see Rusty stand up to Kirk and defend Dale when they all landed in the slammer. I'm hoping that Rusty's stay in the Kappa Tau house next year is short and he finds his way back to rooming with Dale quickly.

  • Ashleigh did say she wanted fewer responsibilities next year, but now she's got more.
  • Thank goodness--there are only two more weeks in this year! This second semester has lasted forever!
  • Ha ha ha, Kirk hid behind Dale's bed for 4.5 hours.
  • The Omega Chis are really planning a party for next year already? They're really on top of things.
  • Beaver: "You've turned into a serial monogamist."
    Cappie: "Where did you even learn that phrase?"
    Beaver: "Wikipedia."
  • Cappie: "'Serial monogamist' is just a stone's throw away from being 'the marrying kind'!"
  • Kirk hid in Rusty's clothes hamper and jumped out at him ;-) That does sound pretty amusing.
  • Dino! There he is again! And then he's gone...
  • Dale: "Hey, how 'bout a little Bible Boggle, huh? Remember that time you spelled Leviticus and Harvy Brewbauer cried?"
  • I love Rusty's annoyed facial expressions.
  • Kirk: "Hey, Dale, your pajamas just blew out the window!"
    Dale: "Huh. Must be the light weight cotton, you know 'cause my winter flannels never have that problem."
  • Kirk's on Rumspringa! (Except he's not Amish.)
  • Oh my gosh--Rusty wasn't even alive during the '80s. That's depressing.
  • Casey overhears Cappie tell Rusty that "there are worse things than being the odd man out of a threesome."
  • Casey could get held back like Frannie so that she can run for president again for her super-senior year.
  • Casey's big plan was sending girls in bikinis over to the Omega Chi house? Couldn't she have come up with a classier plan?
  • They should have invited Max to this '70s party for a nice Swingtown inside joke that no one would get.
  • Calvin: "Is Ferret human?"
  • Calvin: "And what does one have to do to be labeled the 'house slob' of Kappa Tau?"
  • Wow, Heath really goes all out with the costumes for the theme parties.
  • Dale: "You know, he once brokered peace between a Presbyterian and a Methodist."
  • Poor Casey, she was actually right about this situation, but she just looks bitter.
  • I bet Dan Byrd had a fun time playing Kirk. He just got to show up and jump around and act like a crazy person.
  • Cops! They do exist in this town! And they're patrolling for underage drinking!
  • Dale: "And we'll never watch the E! channel again, because it's full of temptation."
  • Uh oh, the new president of ZBZ is Evan Chambers. That's not good.
  • Ha, Beaver's not positive that he, Cappie, and the other guy (whose name I don't remember) didn't have a "round one."
  • Cappie: "Nice pajamas, Beav."
    Beaver: "Thank you! They floated down from the sky."
  • The Omega Chis walk through the street singing? And they're the "number one" frat? Really?
  • I think Ash could have won by more than 3 votes if she took off her silly hat.
  • Dale: "Hey Chip!"
    Cappie: "Hey Dale!"
So, are we ready for the obligatory mini-season finale make out session between Cappie and Casey (that leads to nothing) next week? Because that never gets old at all...


Monday, October 20, 2008

Chuck: Boy Meets Russian Mafia

Chuck: "Chuck Versus the Cougars"

This episode of Chuck was especially exciting for several reasons, not the least of which was that it featured a guest star appearance by Ben Savage a.k.a. Cory Matthews from Boy Meets World. Like most members of the T.G.I.F. generation, I imagine I'll always have a special place in my heart for Cory, Topanga, Shawn, and even Minkus (although my allegiance to him thankfully doesn't mandate me to watch him on One Tree Hill). The last time I saw Rider Strong was his horrifying turn on Veronica Mars where he brutally harassed poor Neil from Freaks and Geeks during a prison simulation. I've made a point of checking out The Dish, Danielle Fischel's new The Soup-esque program on the Style Channel, so I now have semi-regular Topanga fixes. But how I've missed my Cory...and his amazingly hilarious facial expressions (see above).

Another interesting aspect of this episode was that we finally got some back story on Sarah and what her life was like pre-Chuck and pre-Bryce and pre-CIA. Like Chuck, I was really excited to find out that Sarah's real name is Jenny Burton...that is, until we found out that Sarah/Jenny and her father were seasoned con artists and "Jenny Burton" was just one of a long line of aliases. Still, we learned more about her than we knew before: her dad went to prison, she was nerdy, Nicole Richie terrorized her in high school, she joined the CIA as an alternative to going to jail, etc.

Highlights and observations:
  • Wow, high school Sarah had terrible hair.
  • Sarah used to live in San Diego and now works in LA and her cover hasn't been blown yet?
  • Oh no, Cory's in the intersect. That's not a good sign.
  • Chuck does not seem to spend much time in the BuyMore these days. Luckily for him, the management is lax.
  • Shades of The O.C.: Chuck talks about cilantro, which Caleb Nichol notably hated. What is it with Josh Schwartz and cilantro? It seems like it's bordering on an obsession ;-)
  • Chuck: "Cilantro--very controversial. You either love it or you hate it. I love it."
  • Chuck and Cory are not a very unbeatable combination.
  • Chuck: "A self-defense class I took at the Y. It was very comprehensive."
  • How gullible is Cory if he believes Chuck is "Mad Dog"?
  • Lester is the worst manager ever.
  • I'm surprised the BuyMore is only out $3700 after these stupid sales practices.
  • Whoa, they decorated the reunion with humongous yearbook photos? That's harsh!
  • "Mmm Bop"! I hope high school seniors didn't like "Mmm Bop."
  • This Dick Duffy joker was on the last episode of The Ex-List. Ugh, I'm embarrassed that I know that.
  • Hahahaha, Casey being the deejay was hilarious.
  • Ahh, Nicole Richie is Russian mafia. Who'd have thought?
  • Sarah should be able to beat up skinny little Nicole Richie.
  • Why did Sarah go back into the reunion all wet and bleeding from the mouth? That would seem a bit suspicious.
Next week we meet Chuck's ex! The one that Bryce stole from him? Who we haven't heard a thing about since the very early episodes? The one who was seemingly forgotten all about? Awesome! I've been wondering what was up with her.


Gossip Girl: A Declaration of Rights

Gossip Girl: "Chuck in Real Life"

So Chuck has finally had enough of following Blair around like a sick puppy. He may still be having trouble getting anyone else to love or respect him (Bart, Blair, Nate, etc.), but at least he's showing some self-respect for once. How awesome was it when he told Blair that he wasn't going to settle for just sex and wanted something more? That's turning a major corner for the guy who has bedded more Maxim covers than John Mayer.

During this episode, while watching Blair blatantly lust after Chuck and cook up bizarre schemes that end with Chuck in her bedroom, I was struck by how much of the series has been devoted to Blair trying get various boys to have sex with her. During many of the first episodes, her main focus was trying to get Nate to come and get it. This year, she was trying very hard to get Marcus to sleep with her, and now she's gotta have Chuck. Except for the time she had Nate and Chuck in the same week, it seems that poor Queen B has trouble getting boys into bed with her, which seems beyond odd because she's a very pretty girl. She might want to look into this phenomenon.

But, the most distressing part of last night's episode involved Blair and a certain handbag. Last week, I saw a promo picture (shown above) of Queen B holding a purse that looks exactly like the H&M bag I've been using for almost a year (but in a different color). I was so excited that Blair Waldorf would have something that looks like something I own. So, imagine my distress when in last night's episode, it turned out that Blair was only holding the purse because she stole it and it's real owner was Vanessa! Vanessa! Ugh, I am so ashamed. Does this mean I'm going to start wearing red jeans and ugly boots and all kinds of hideous accessories? This is a disaster.

Quotes/highlights/running commentary:
  • Bart got Serena a suit and gave Eric a watch, but Chuck just got money direct deposited into his bank account. Bart is such an ass.
  • Chuck (in response to Bart's question about the implications of family): "Less money for me when you die."
  • Bart: "A weekend curfew of 1 a.m."
    Chuck: "Is that Eastern or Pacific time?"
  • Ha ha, Serena gets awfully bent out of shape when Lily/Bart try to act like actual parents.
  • Warning to Bart: don't try apologizing to Serena--she'll bite your head off.
  • Chuck: "Isn't it about time you ended this bromance? What happens at Yale, stays at Yale."
  • Chelsea: "I didn't realize..."
    Blair: "That tights are not pants!?!"
  • Vanessa is blackmailing Blair into helping her save a building? Seriously? What happened to her strict moral code?
  • Wow, so many downsides to being in Page 6... exploited by Yale, faced with curfews in order to secure business deals, etc.
  • What was so bad about Serena's red dress? It covered more than the outfits she was wearing on her college visits.
  • Serena: "Oh! I forgot to wear underwear!"
  • Chuck: "You had me until 'troll'."
  • Blair's looking pretty hot for Chuck right now. It's looking like he's going to get the reward whether they take down Vanessa or not.
  • Eric's Jonathan looks kind of like a young Rufus.
  • Serena: "Wow! Blair, did you hear that? Chuck!"
  • Shouldn't the soccer boys be shunning Dan due to Serena's mandate?
  • Cedric is Dan's guy friend ;-)
  • Jenny: "Is Cedric invited?"
    Rufus: "Jenny, come on. Cedric would get dirty. And then Dan would have to bathe him."
  • Wow, these Brooklyn club people really don't seem to want help if they're throwing food at people who are trying to buy the stupid place.
  • Umm, yeah, Lily should have insisted on more structure in Serena's life in the past.
  • Dan really is quite the looker when he's not being so self-righteous that you can't stand to look at him.
  • Chuck: "Did you have a reason to come here? Because if it was to insult me, there is a Web site you can go to."
  • So Serena and Eric used to show up at Eleanor's and the Archibalds' whenever Lily jetted off with a new boyfriend? That's interesting. BTW, what happened to Serena and Eric's dad?
  • Blair's dress (pictured above) is stunning. Chuck has good taste in dresses. Better taste in dresses than he has in men's wear and athletic apparel, I'm afraid ;-)
  • Aww, the guy from the bar just hugged Chuck. I don't know if I've ever seen anyone hug Chuck! And he just said "possibly the nicest thing anyone's ever said to [Chuck]"--maybe this guy (Horace) can be Chuck's new daddy.
  • Wow, Dan needs advice from his 15-year-old sister an awful lot.
  • There we go, Chuck. Finally he starts playing Blair hot and cold. That's the only way he's going to get her.
  • Dan's try at changing the subject: "You know, I've seen Nate do the knee-bounce-with-the-ball thing, and it's incredible."
  • OMG! Bart crushing Chuck's bar deal was just nasty and mean. Bart becomes more and more of an ass to Chuck every week. It's time for Bart to get killed off. (And it seems that may just be happening soon enough...)
  • Tips for dealing with the Upper East Siders: don't apologize to Serena, don't try to help Nate.
  • Serena: "Mom's husband was a raging coke-head and left blow everywhere."
    Eric: "It wasn't everywhere. It was just on the smooth, shiny surfaces."
  • Eric is so wise for a 15-year-old.
  • Blair propositions Chuck to the sounds of "One Week of Danger" by The Virgins, which hearkens back to Chuck and Blair's fateful encounter in the moving limo!
  • Guess Chuck isn't going to end up in Blair's bedroom if he made a detour to Brooklyn first. Oh, hey, he did make it, he's just late.
  • Chuck: "If you thought that was long, you have no idea what you're in for."
  • Chuck: "Say it. Three words, eight letters, three syllables. You wanted it from me."
    Blair: "I'm prepared to settle."
    Chuck: "Maybe I'm not."
    Blair: "Chuck Bass, I will never say those words to you."
    Chuck: "Then you will never have me. I've chased you long enough, now it's time for you to chase me."

Next week Willa Holland finally hits the Upper East Side! Yea! But, how did Jenny go from zero to Goth so quickly? Holy eye makeup, Little J!

Headband Monday: Purple with a flower.

(Gossip Girl photo:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Greek: Indecision 2008

"The Popular Vote"

Wow, Ashleigh is the new ZBZ president! Congrats to her. I'll admit that compared to the cut-throat antics of Frannie and Casey, Ashleigh did look like a big breath of fresh air. I do feel badly for Casey though--she wanted to be president so desperately. And she did mean well; she just got too caught up in the frenzy of politics. Oh well, life lessons will be learned. And now Casey will have more time to devote to her complicated love life and flip flopping from one soul mate to another.

Hmm, what's interesting is that Ashleigh coming out of left field to become ZBZ president is not the big game-changer that Ausiello recently talked about, saying: "A major defection in the Oct. 28 season finale will shake up Greek life like never before." What's that going to be? My first guess is that someone--Rusty or Casey--disassociates and leaves fraternity/sorority life behind. Casey leaves to find herself, maybe? We shall see.

As for Rusty, in this week's episode, it turned out that Jen K. wasn't "the one" after all. I'm a little surprised/disappointed because they really used to like each other, and I liked Jen K. for the most part. However, it makes sense that they may never be able to get past the fraternity expose.

And before I get to the customary list of the episode's funny quotes, I gotta make special note of a comment of Rusty's that I can't believe he said (while speed dating!) but find especially hilarious:

Rusty: "Yes, I am in a frat, but we prefer fraternity, actually. I mean, would you call your country a--"

Other highlights:
  • Ashleigh: "That was just last semester? It feels like forever ago!"
  • Why would the seniors (the other members of Frannie's pledge class) vote in this election? They're graduating, what do they care who is ZBZ president next year?
  • Cappie: "Is it a rainy day or Monday? Those always get me down."
  • Rusty: "This year's almost over and I only dated one girl."
    Cappie: "And you see no obvious connection between this fact and the diary?"
  • Casey: "I did not have sex with that man."
  • Rusty: "And then she said something else that I'm not even going to repeat because I think it's kind of Fascist."
  • Ashleigh: "Please tell me you're not carrying Cappie's love child!"
  • How hard can it be to find some dirt on Frannie? We already know about 20 awful things she's done.
  • Calvin announces that he cheated on Michael while Michael's talking on the phone to his mom!
  • Wow, you just can't get rid of this guy (Michael).
  • Casey and Ashleigh using code names from The Hills.
  • Ashleigh: "Oh no. They're removing the cotton balls! I repeat, they're removing the cotton balls!"
  • I assumed that Jen K. moved away or something. I guess she just stayed under the radar for a while.
  • Frannie shouldn't have kept those dirty secrets in a scrapbook in her room. You'd think she'd know better than leaving a paper trail.
  • Rusty: "I wish someone would just tell me what I want."
    Calvin: "Tell me about it."
  • If Calvin likes Heath, he should just break up with Michael already.
  • Does Casey really want to lead a group of girls that are this stupid? I would just want to run screaming.
  • Wow, Max put star stickers on his ceiling that depict what the sky would actually look like if there was no ceiling. That's so cool.
  • Max realizing that he and Rusty used to play the computer game against each other.
  • Max: "That bitch?"
    Casey: "I love it when you pretend to be catty."
  • Ugh, it's hard to break up with someone when they've just redecorated their apartment to match the ethnic takeout food.
  • Whoa, Cal shouldn't be dating someone who is 7 years older than him in the first place.
  • Woohoo, Betsy won social chair! Go Betsy. I hope this means she'll be sticking around forever; she's funny.
  • I hope Rusty did a better job of deciding what Cal wanted than Cal did of deciding what Rusty wanted.
  • Cappie: "I had the exact same thing happen to me with The Goonies!" (This Cappie quote inspired a post in EW's PopWatch.)
  • Don't worry about it so much, Cal. Trust me, Michael is not your soul mate. I'm pretty confident about this, because you should enjoy spending time with your soul mate at least occasionally, and you never looked happy when you were with Michael.
  • Cappie: "I've only got like 5 or 6 years left on this campus, and I'll be damned if I waste a second of that time."
  • Ack, Cappie fell off the roof! Luckily they didn't return the bouncy castle. Cappie dying from a fall off the roof would definitely have been a game-changer of massive proportions...


Premiere Watch '08: Samantha Who?

Samantha Who?: "So I Think I Can Dance"

The season 2 premiere of Samantha Who? reminded me how much I enjoy this show. Christina Applegate is so funny and likable as the mentally born-again title character. (I totally think she should have won the best lead actress in a comedy Emmy... Tina Fey didn't need 3 awards.) And, to a person, the supporting cast is excellent.

I didn't think that this episode was the funniest Samantha Who? ever, but it packed in some interesting moments: Christina got to show off her Broadway dancing skills, Todd had a bit of a breakdown, Sam and her mom actually acted like they like each other for a while, Andrea showed that she does have actual, human feelings, and there was a big dance number.

Highlights and random thoughts:
  • Sam's mom taped Oprah over the home video of Sam's first birthday party.
  • Regina: "Oh crap! Paula Drake! I knew should never leave the house without a bra!"
  • Sam: "I'm not brain damaged. I have my own spatula."
  • Dina: "It's the one night I get to be on tech crew!"
  • Sam (to her mother): "I can't wait to put you in a home."
  • Dina saying that Sam flashing the judges during the live nativity scene was edgy.
  • Sam: "You just said that a Newly never gives up!"
    Mom: "On themselves! On each other all the time!"
  • Uh oh, Todd's got some Sam issues, and they're boiling over. So, he says he held her hand while she was in the coma even though she cheated on him? I didn't know about that; that's so sweet! However, he sure didn't seem to like her right after she woke up from the coma--his attitude was not that of someone who had just been holding her hand.
  • I think Mrs. Drake's dance routine looked pretty beatable.
  • Wow, Sam's pretty good! Or not... Awww. Poor Sam.
  • Dina's boyfriend: "Are you sure you want more light? Because I was thinking more darkness."

The rest of Samantha Who?'s second season looks pretty promising with guest appearances by Tony Hale (Buster from Arrested Development), James Tupper (Jack from Men In Trees) and Mary-Kate Olsen. Bring it on--I'm excited.

Premiere Rating: 6.5/10

(photo: ABC/Samantha Who?)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Gossip Girl: A Yale Tale

Gossip Girl:
"New Haven Can Wait"

I'll admit that when I heard that the kids of Gossip Girl were heading to the campus of Yale, I fantasized about a crossover episode between GG 2.0 (Gossip Girl) and GG 1.0 (Gilmore Girls). It's too bad that Rory and her gang have all graduated. Think of the possibilities: Blair and Paris going at it; Chuck hanging out with Logan and his Life and Death brigade; Nate, Dan, and Marty sitting around and being boring (okay, that was a little harsh on Marty); etc.

Even if there was no GG/GG crossover, this episode was still pretty awesome:
  • Ha ha ha, the Blair/Serena My Fair Lady dream sequence was hilarious. It must be fun to have Blair's dreams--they're all based on classic movies.
  • Wow, if only everyone's hair looked that flat-ironed right when they wake up!
  • Marc Jacobs named a handbag after Serena... Her?
  • How did Dan get excellent SAT scores? He chokes on tests, and he was too busy worrying about Serena not showing up.
  • Chuck: "We're hours away from horny women's studies majors who want to work off all their anger against men in their bunk beds."
  • Chuck picks colleges based on the merits of their secret societies.
  • Chuck: "Say hello to the characters on public transportation."
  • Holy moly! Serena's shirt is very low cut! As in, it plunges lower than her boobs. That's what she's wearing to go on a college visit?!?!
  • Ouch for Brown University! Blair just took that institution down a few pegs. If it was good enough for Summer Roberts, it should be good enough for Serena van der Woodsen. Although Blair's point about girls going to Brown and turning into vegans does mesh well with Summer's experiences.
  • Blair: "Have fun in Providence. Maybe you can get your hair dreadlocked while you're there!"
  • Rufus lets Jenny walk all over him yet again.
  • Secretary: "Oh my, the dean hasn't laughed like that in years!"
  • I knew Nate was going to use Dan's name instead of his own. It was a better choice than Chuck's, I'd say. But why does no one on TV ever just make up a name?
  • Skull and Bones guy (to Chuck): "Rumor has it that you've slept with more Maxim covers than John Mayer."
  • Aww, poor Blair. She has plenty of stories she could tell the dean! Like the one about her eating disorder or the one about her dad running away with a male model. Or the one about how she just dated a lord who turned out to be sleeping with his stepmom. There really are a myriad of options here.
  • AHHH! Blair kissed the dean on the cheek! Oops, that was embarrassing.
  • Wow, Serena really has taken a lot from Blair: Nate, Mrs. Waldorf, the girls at school.
  • Chuck: "...and talking to Blair about how she's going to get into Yale gets her really--"
  • Ha, Dan ruining Nate's charade in a very unsmooth matter was funny.
  • Nate (to Dan): "Do you ever get tired of carrying that chip around on your shoulder? No wonder Serena dumped you!" (Go Nate!)
  • Ha ha, Blair bribed the secretary with antique ceramic cats.
  • Dude, Blair's right: according to her own wisdom, the parties that are most important to attend are the ones you're not invited to.
  • Maybe if Rufus better explained to Jenny why it is so important for her to go to school, she'd accept his decision or at least understand it better.
  • I'm beginning to think that Serena's whole strategy to get into college is showing as much of her boobs as possible.
  • Blair (on how Serena would answer the "who would you go to dinner with?" question): "No, let me guess: Lauren Conrad." (I guess LC won't be making a cameo on this show.)
  • Are they playing a string version of "Mr. Brightside" in the background?
  • Who knew that Nate had so many enemies at Yale?
  • Serena's finally right about something: Henry Cavill (of The Tudors) is a total babe.
  • I didn't think for a second that Chuck was going to turn Nate over to Skull and Bones. It's an added bonus though that he did give them Dan.
  • Oh, Blair, you're too much! Putting the name of the dude who overdosed on Serena's answer card! Wow.
  • Nice shot, Blair! Conk her right in the head with that purse!
  • Best part of the B/S fight was Blair squealing: "My headband!!!!!"
  • That dress is way too skimpy for Lily. Although, I guess if her daughter dresses like a tramp, she might as well dress like one too. I have definitely seen more than enough boob from the van der Woodsen ladies tonight!
  • Dan tied to the statue is delightfully reminiscent of the flagpole scenes in Veronica Mars. (But, seriously, that's the best Skull and Bones can do? They should watch more Veronica Mars; the secret society at Hearst was so much creepier. They electrocuted people for crying out loud.)
  • Nate: "I hope you at least bought the statue a drink first." (Ha ha ha ha ha. One of the funnies things to have ever come out of Nate's mouth.)
  • Dan: "I'm not entirely proud of my choice of boxers."
  • Blair (to Serena): "Life's too short; you make it feel so long." (Amen. But Serena and Dan together make it feel even longer!)
  • I don't think that B and S deciding to take a break from being "friends" is the world's worst idea.
  • Oh great, now that Jenny is going to be homeschooled, I guess she'll be hanging around and doing nothing but meddling in other people's business like Vanessa always does...
  • I love, love, love Blair's outfit (which is shown in the above picture). Especially the hat!
  • And, look, Serena's showing more of her boobs...
  • No, I don't think "the reality of being separated next year is just too scary to think about" is really why Serena and Blair had the fight. I think they had the fight because they really just hate each other.
  • Chuck: "You may be the future leaders of America, but you're now under the control of Chuck Bass." (That Chuck--taking down Skull and Bones in one weekend...)
  • Oh, Yale is just using Serena because she's famous now. Serves her right after she repeatedly shoved her "entitlements" in Dan's face.
  • Poor Chuck. He should have guessed that Nate would have no sense of humor about any of this. He is still Nate, after all.
  • Next week's preview: Blair wants Chuck to help her take down "that troll" Vanessa. Ok, don't get me wrong, I'm all for taking down Vanessa, but why does Blair suddenly care so much about it?

So, in the beginning of the episode, it seemed like almost everyone wanted to go to Yale. By the end, it appeared that those who wanted to (Blair) wouldn't be able to and those who would be able to (Chuck, Serena) didn't want to. I'm wondering if this is just all laying the groundwork for them all to go to Columbia together (or something similar), so that next season won't suck.

Headband Monday: I wore a fancy blue ribbon-decorated band in honor of the kids' trip to Yale. (Blue is one of Yale's colors, but I'll admit that was coincidental.)

(Gossip Girl photo:

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Premiere Watch '08: Life on Mars

Life on Mars: "Out Here in the Fields"

I've never seen the original British version of Life on Mars, so I can't draw any comparisons between that and the new American remake (if they ever make an American Shameless, however, I will be all over that, trust me). But I can say that, as a stand-alone entity, I genuinely enjoyed the new American version.

The show's plot is intriguing (which, sadly, does not go without saying when talking about TV pilots), especially now that we know that Maya's safe in 2008, but Sam's still stuck in the past. Why's he still there, and how does he get home? Would getting shot in the past really wake him up in the future? Why's he even there in the first place? Is he really in a coma or did he time travel or is he crazy?

My understanding is that the British version left the show's whole concept as more of a mystery, where as in the American version seem to suggest that Sam is in a coma and the 1973 world is all in his mind. But, I guess it isn't all wrapped up in a box yet, because it seemed like his actions in the past did change the future, and how could that have happened if it was all in his mind? Unless Maya ending up save in 2008 and his exploits in 1973 were in no way connected. Plus, that is one extremely detailed world to have been conjured up in someone's brain. Yeah, now that I think about it, I guess there's plenty of mystery still left on the table here.

The show's cast is strong. Now that Men In Trees is defunct (whaaaaa!), it's nice to see Jason O'Mara (MIT's Stewart, the publisher) in a new vehicle. Hopefully, ABC will be kinder to this one and not jerk it around from time slot to time slot and force it into lengthy hiatuses. Also, as devotee of The Cosby Show and A Different World in my childhood, I find it just awesome to see Lisa Bonet back on television. And I remember Gretchen Mol being dubbed "the next 'it' girl" years back, but I've never seen her in anything, so it's nice to finally get that chance. (Plus I'll admit that I already like her just because she named her son Ptolemy.) Oh, and the bartender was Mike Starr, who played Kenny on Ed! I hope he gets in some more scenes in the future!

One thing I really liked about this show was that modern day detective Sam really cared about the 4th Amendment rights of criminal procedure and the standard rules of police conduct--and the lack of adherence to those things in 1973. I found his advocacy for getting people lawyers when they ask for them and procuring warrants to be downright refreshing, because a lot of the time on TV shows (even those set in the present), policeman don't give a crap about any of that stuff (Without a Trace used to drive me nuts with its rule-bending). Unfortunately, it looks like Sam is going to have to adjust to the standards of 1973, because he doesn't seem to be having any luck in getting 1973 to conform to his.

Also, the show has a really fun '70s soundtrack.

Other thoughts and highlights:
  • Sam and Maya were having kind of a heavy conversation while in the midst of speeding to crime scene.
  • Well, it would be convenient for alibi purposes to have an identical twin.
  • If he'd been listening to another song when he was hit by the car, would he have gone back to another decade?
  • Well, at least he already seems to have a life carved out for him here in the 1973.
  • The police station looks kind of shady...and grimy.
  • He is not making the best first impression here in 1973... He's coming off a little crazy and ornery.
  • No wonder girl cops didn't get any serious cases; Annie looks pretty ridiculous in that outfit (esp. with the hat).
  • Ha, I was going to say: they showed math on TV in the 70s? Boring.
  • Sam: "Who dreams about being yelled at by a closet feminist in the 1973 Policewoman's Bureau?"
  • Wow, in the 70s, when the cops were in a hurry, they jumped over desks!
  • Really creepy scene where it looked like Sam might shoot the kid to keep him from abducting Maya in the future. Luckily, that entire bad situation seems to have been diverted since Sam could hear Maya tell him that she's okay. So, did Sam's talk with the kid keep him from growing up to become an abductor, and that's why Maya's safe now?

This pilot episode makes Life on Mars one of three new shows (with Fringe and Privileged) that I actually wanted to see more off after the first episode.

Premiere Rating: 8.0/10

(photo: ABC/Life on Mars)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Greek: A Night To Remember

"Formally Yours"

I was a little nervous about this episode... The promos made it seem like the Casey/Max relationship could potentially be derailed by both Cappie and Evan. And, as we learned in last series' flashback episode, Casey does have a history of swapping dates on the night of the big dance.

Thankfully, the Casey/Max relationship survived the night and will live to see another day! Not only that, but they're looking stronger than ever! Woohoo!

As for Rusty and Ashleigh, is it really true that it "can't happen"? I'm not so sure; it seemed like there might be something there...if not now, maybe sometime in the future.


  • Cappie: "Due to limited storage space, we will now be deleting our season pass of Days of Our Lives. I'm very sorry, Beaver."
    Beaver: "I'll miss you, Marlena."
  • Ashleigh: "Music! I knew I forgot something!"
    Casey: "What?! Really?"
    Ashleigh: "NO! Not really!"
  • Casey: "It's like he just picked up a ping pong paddle and I'm throwing him into Wimbledon."
  • Ashleigh: "He's socially awkward, not special."
  • Dale knows exactly who do go to to rent a disco ball ;-)
  • Dale: "She's a cow."
    Rusty: "She's the one milking the cow."
  • Uh oh, there seems to be some spark left between Cappie and Rebecca. Whatever--as long as it keeps him away from Casey.
  • Wow, the sorority election is next week already! I wish presidential elections moved with the same alacrity as sorority ones.
  • Why doesn't Evan wear his ties anymore? He's gone so much more casual these days, and I don't like it.
  • Oh no! Rusty's formal theme is "A Night To Remember"! Ha!
  • Dale: "That's more tired than my grandma after bingo."
  • Rusty's hilarious expression when Dale said: "I wanted to give it to her."
  • The Kappa Tau "informal" has a bouncy castle ;-)
  • Cappie: "Your head is way too fancy for your body. It's weird."
  • The Casey/Cappie interaction was very buddy-buddy. I could feel him pining for her, but she didn't seem to be pining for him. (Which would make for a nice turn of events: Casey finally getting over somebody, or somebody finally getting over Casey.)
  • Casey: "If Max gets uncomfortable, he can talk to Rusty! And they can sit at the table and talk about lasers and jet packs!"
  • Ashleigh's hair is fancier than Casey's and she didn't go to the salon.
  • Evan: "I'm running unopposed, and everyone already thinks I'm president." (I appreciate it when Greek throws in some quasi-inside jokes.)
  • Ha ha, it was cute how Rusty and Ashleigh bonding over party planning details (the 4-tiered chocolate fountain).
  • Rusty dances like a character in the Peanuts cartoon.
  • Ugh, could Evan be nastier? Rusty did kind of encourage his meanness by being a little snippy with him when they met at the bar. But, yikes. What the hell does Evan care if Rusty's on a pity date. Rusty's like a little puppy; just leave him alone.
  • I can't believe Rusty put his hand on Ashleigh's butt!
  • Casey (to Evan): "You're better than this. What happened to you?" Amen to that. He was much better than this just--what--a month ago in Greek time?
  • Ashleigh and Rusty's kissing-to-prove-Evan-wrong scheme would be a lot more convincing if they didn't shoot superior looks in his direction every time they kissed. That's kind of a tip off.


Monday, October 6, 2008

Chuck: Seducing Julie Cooper


"Chuck Versus the Seduction"

Let's start by stating the obvious: Melinda Clarke is hands down awesome. How I miss Julie Cooper and her conniving ways...and, well, The O.C. in general. My thanks goes out to Josh Schwartz for continuing to employ the former residents of Newport Beach. And it looks like the Coopers really are making a comeback, since Melinda's Chuck cameo will be followed by Willa Holland (Kaitlin) showing up on Gossip Girl (which was the no-brainer casting decision of the century).

The play-by-play:
  • Why does Sarah always pose alluringly at the Buy More door before she walks in? And why does there always appear to be a wind machine pointing at her? ;-)
  • Sasha's a girl? Aren't Russian Sashas generally boys?
  • The CIA has a "seduction school"? I guess that explains why Sydney Bristow always seemed so good at it.
  • It was funny when the hardass NSA lady got all flustered when Roan walked in.
  • Chuck: "His liver must look like camouflage!"
  • Ha ha, Morgan proving that he knows Ellie better than Awesome was funny.
  • I like it when Chuck gets egged into being kind of badass...or if not "badass" at least not as pitiful.
  • Casey's expression was great when he overheard Roan say, "Don't worry, Charles. I'll teach you how to get her (Sarah) too."
  • Roan: "Why do you think she's known as the Black Widow?"
    Chuck: "Because she's African American and her husband died?"
  • Roan: "If he survives the night, it will be a miracle."
    Sarah: "He can hear you!"
  • Melinda's Russian accent was hilarious.
  • If she doesn't drink, why's she hanging out in a bar?
  • Roan: "Aww, poor Anton! That's tragic."
  • Ellie: "Why of all the movies in the world would Sister Act be my favorite?"
  • Nice Chuck! Stealing her necklace (the Cipher, whatever) was smart.
  • Chuck: "Leap from the balcony, landing with a flourish, and the Russian judge gives him a 9.4!"
  • Morgan is the wounded gazelle! Oh no, the wheel said he was fired! Wow, it's nice that all the Buy More employees have such an allegiance to Morgan.
  • Roan: "Lesson number one about being a spy: Don't fall in love."
  • As terms of their return, the Buy More employees demand two hour lunch breaks and unlimited bathroom breaks! Can Lester even given them these privileges? Isn't it company policy?
  • Chuck gave the Black Widow directions to the Buy More. Ha ha ha.
  • Ha, why does the banner say "New Ass Man" now? Just take the whole thing down.
  • Who in the CIA had to spread rose petals all over Ellie's house? That's not a very glamorous job.
  • I'm not sure Roan meant for Chuck to wear the white dinner jacket over a graphic tee...
  • And: damn that Bryce Larkin! That guy just continuously shows up at the worst moments!

(photo: NBC/Chuck)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Premiere Watch '08: Valentine

Valentine: Pilot

So The CW out-sourced it's Sunday night programming. Let's see how that went...
  • I'm not sure what to make of this show, really.
  • It might be easier to care about these two soul mates if they weren't wearing Charlie Chaplin and Madonna costumes. It's kind of hard to take them seriously.
  • Danny wears a lot of jewelry. I liked this actor (Kristoffer Polaha)better last year on Miss Guided.
  • Huh? So what does the gun that shoots purple light actually do? Make you fall in love? I don't get it.
  • I guess these people really are soul mates if they both like watching the same infomercials. And talking to each other about them.
  • Ahh, Taylor Townsend, why can't I escape you this week? Phoebe seems like a little much... (which is okay, because we all know that Autumn Reeser knows how to play characters who are a little much.)
  • And Professor Landry! He gets around too.
  • It doesn't seem like the best idea ever to go out to a bar with your plumbers.
  • Phoebe: "The oracle of Delphi is not a peep show."
  • The gods and goddesses of love didn't realize that the have-him-hook-up-with-her-when-she's-drunk-and-at-her-bachelorette-party plan would go awry? Duh.
  • Yeah, I don't think the author of that story is going to be much help.
  • Is that Christine Lakin? She looks different. Nice, but different. Not at all like someone who would be the "nottie" in The Hottie and the Nottie.
  • So that's what happens when you receive a shot of unconditional love?!
  • Phoebe: "Joanna dies alone and is eaten by her cats. Which is actually good-ish news if you're a cat person."
  • Joanna: "Who would do this?"
    Roland: "The worst plumbers ever!"
  • Shouldn't the gods and goddesses be a little more subtle in their matchmaking? I mean, these people know they've been messed with. Seems like that might be a liability if you're trying to keep your business a secret.

Um, yeah. So I watched the whole show and still don't really know what to make of it. I didn't find the characters of Grace or Danny to be particularly likable. And shouldn't freaking Hercules have something better to do than be an assistant matchmaker? I did think that Autumn was cute at Phoebe. And it's nice to see Christine Lakin working, although I can't say that I expect this job to last for very long.

Premiere Rating: 3.0/10

Friday, October 3, 2008

Premiere Watch '08: The Ex List

The Ex List: Pilot

Just bullets for this one. I'm not convinced it's worth further comment:
  • How did this show get on CBS? It's not about forensics!
  • If Bella doesn't get married within the year, she'll never get married? Doesn't that put a time limit on the series? Like one season? That seems like they're just expecting to fail.
  • It looks like Elizabeth Reaser spent a lot of time in the tanning bed.
  • It's Mr. Matthews, Cory's dad.
  • Bella was riding her bike without shoes on. Is that the best idea?
  • Is this mystery guy who is her soul mate really Alex Karev? What about Tom Everett Scott, since he played her ex-boyfriend on that show about paramedics?
  • Oh noooooooo. It's Eddie from The O.C. With some majorly hideous long curly hair. He's being quite dramatic.
  • Who are these people Bella hangs out with? Where'd they come from? What's their story?
  • I've never seen so many rubber platform flip flops on television. It's bringing back bad memories of college...
  • Ha, it is funny that Eddie's song is about how she dumbed him on his birthday.
  • Umm, totally could do without an entire subplot about the intimate shaving habits of her blond friend. Like, seriously, must we? I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt uncomfortable with this whole thing.
  • Sister: "Maybe you're just supposed to get back together with him long enough to dump him on Christmas so that he can put out a holiday album."
  • Ugh, it was creepy when Eddie just walked up to her and kissed her.
  • Wow, she's really pushing this thing with Eddie hard. She's beginning to look desperate. Oh wait, I guess she is--she's only got a year, after all.
  • Oh no, she's turned him sappy again. Oops.
  • Mr. Matthews: "What are they, shipping out tomorrow?"
  • Bella: "So how am I the most stupid person in the world? When did that happen?"
    Friend: "I think you've actually been working on that for a while."
  • Thank you to Eddie for suggesting that maybe she should have the mole looked at by a doctor if it's that gross.
  • This is a really long show........
  • Wow, this guy went to some major extremes to get revenge on her. He had to put up with all the fake craziness and he faked crying... Umm, I find his plan to be a little sketchy. If the fake crying had driven her away before his next gig, how could he embarrass her by singing a mean song about her?
  • Wow, I realize that she wants to get married, but talking about it every time she sees Elliot is just annoying. ("I thought you could go to brunch with me?" "Forever?")
  • Umm, they canceled Moonlight and put this in its time slot?
  • Well, at least Eric Winter is showing up next week. He's generally a little more likable than Eddie from The O.C. at least.

This wasn't the worst show I've ever seen, but it wasn't the best one either. I'm not seeing the long-term potential here. First, there's the one year time limit. Also, if Bella insists on sleeping with every guy on her admittedly lengthy list of past boyfriends, she's going to look pretty skanky pretty fast. And, can a whole show balance on one girl's year-long husband search? There's going to have to be something else going on. Plus, if they used a sub-plot about waxing in the pilot episode, I think that's a sign that the writers are already running out of material. I'm not very optimistic about this one, folks.

Premiere Rating: 4.0/10

Greek: There's No Party Like an Honors Physics Party

"See You Next Time, Sisters"

You can tell it's been kind of a rough week when I'm not getting around to watching Greek until Friday. Or maybe it's been a rough week because I didn't get around to watching Greek until Friday. Hmm, something to think about.

The big news from this episode was that Cappie found out about Casey and Max and did not take it well. Shocker. Cappie thinks it's ok for him to date Casey's nemesis, but gets all out of sorts when she dates anybody. Cappie really became insecure when he saw that Max can fill both the role of Casey's boyfriend and the role of Rusty's mentor. And it didn't help matters that Max and his scientists could out party the Kappa Taus, which is a tremendous accomplishment. Maybe Max will teach Cappie that it's ok to be smart and not hide your smartness behind a veneer of goofiness and drunken antics. We shall see.

The highlight of the episode was the drunken bonding between Cappie and Dale, which was hilarious. Who knew that Dale would enjoy so much spending time with the boy who embodies everything he detests about frat boys? I guess it didn't hurt that Dale was drunk off his butt. And that they both love Casey and are jealous of Max.

Other highlights:
  • Max yelling in German was awesome.
  • Evan's finally realizing that he's dating Frannie. Yeah, dude, she's annoying. Where have you been?
  • Dale: "G darn it. This campus has endless available locations for undeserving, perverted students that want to act inappropriately, but when a group of elite academics what to blow off some steam while debunking Aristotelian physics, suddenly everything's booked up? I call bull hinky!"
  • Dale: "You know what? I'm not going to shower until after the party to keep it real because that's science!"
    Rusty: "What do you think?"
    Max: "Oh, I think you should shower."
  • Sometimes I think Casey should wash her hands of this whole sorority thing and find a hobby/outlet/calling that's less stressful. This is a lot of work.
  • Cappie's already jealous of Max because he doesn't want Rusty to have another mentor. Throw Casey into the mix and this is going to get ugly.
  • Rusty cracking up at Max's "you can defend up to the Holy Roman Tribunal" joke.
  • Beaver: "Say my name in Elfish again."
  • Beaver and his Lord of the Rings girlfriend were hilarious. I wonder if there's any future there.
  • Who knew the scientists were such a bunch of party animals?
  • Ha ha ha, eat that Cappie. Casey's dating Max. Suck it.
  • Tegan: "Seriously, hun, you're not going to find a quid for my quo."
  • Cappie: "You're insane, Chip."
    Dale: "It's Dale."
    Cappie: "I knew it was one of them."
  • Cappie: "How come we've never hung out? You're awesome! We should be best friends."
  • Oh no, Dale lost his pants. And his shirt, apparently.
  • Cappie: "Is the rumor true? In a blind taste test, do the Cartwright kids prefer Maxwell House over Folgers?"
  • Oh, Calvin, don't take life advise from Evan. Gasp! Evan didn't even follow his own advice. Oh, Calvin, you're in a mess now.
  • Rusty feeding Cappie a fake girl problem story based on Hannah Montana. ("There's this girl in my literature class. Her name is Miley. Miley Montana. She acts one way during the day, but she's totally different at night.")
  • Hmm, so Casey's future might lie in politics? At least then the lessons she learns from her continuous sorority struggles might be beneficial.
Oy. Next week episode will be about the year's "most romantic event," and Cappie takes the opportunity to have a Rebecca relapse, and Evan declares his undying love for Casey (again). Awesome. Those two shmucks (Cappie and Evan) are not going to make it easy for Casey and Max. Grrrr. In other news, Ashleigh kisses Rusty, which I so called weeks ago after the Casino Night episode.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Premiere Watch '08: Dirty Sexy Money

Dirty Sexy Money: "The Birthday Present"

I'm not nearly as excited about Dirty Sexy Money now as I was last year. I began watching the show in the first place because of Samaire Armstrong (who is awesome), and now her character is only a recurring character. "Personal issues" or not, kicking Samaire off your show isn't a great idea. One of The O.C.'s worst creative decisions was writing off Anna, after all.

Aside from that, I haven't enjoyed DSM as much since it became the Tripp/Simon Elder/Karen saga. I honestly couldn't care less who is manipulating whom in that fustercluck. The Senate race isn't interesting me much either. The Jeremy/Lisa stuff in moderately interesting, but always leads to Lisa and Nick having the "you're going to have to chose between the Darlings and us" conversation, and there's only so many times I really need to hear that.

Other thoughts:

  • Wow, a boat is quite the birthday present!
  • The scene when the police helicopter flew over and the yacht was given the "Prepare to be boarded!" warning was straight from Arrested Development. Actually, I wish I were watching Arrested Development...
  • Jeremy Darling's still thinking about his kiss with Lisa from six months ago? Not sure I believe that.
  • Karen is still screwing Simon Elder after six months? Really not sure I believe that.
  • Oh's the age-old "I love you"/"Thank you" plot line. If I wanted to see that, I'd watch the New Year's Eve episode of The O.C. Actually, I wish I were watching The O.C...
  • Gustav!!!!
  • Carmelita's been missing for 6 months?
  • Dude (Patrick), your wife (Ellen) wasn't a drunk until you hooked up with the transgendered prostitute; get off your high horse. What an asshat. Are we supposed to feel sorry for him?
  • And, since this show is on ABC, here's Lucy Liu!
  • Well, I guess that's why you should never try to bludgeon someone while you're wearing stilettos.
  • I am not convinced that Simon Elder could have "any woman in New York."
  • Why would Tripp have chemists? Isn't he a real estate mogul?
  • Oh, holy crap! Lisa finally makes out with Jeremy and Nick pops up to see it? Unlucky.
  • Nick doesn't think that going to hang out with Karen is a bad idea? Two wrongs don't make a right, buddy. He is so the Dan Humphrey of this show. Judgemental and annoying.
  • Tripp is so sleazy. Brian won't help him out, so Tripp ships off Brian's kid.
  • They don't pay this butler guy enough.
  • Good for Lisa throwing it all back on Nick.
  • Did they even mention Samaire (Juliet) and why she's not around? I missed it if they did.
  • Oh, shock, Simon's playing Karen. Who'd have thought. He's apparently not as good as he thinks he is if it took him 6 months to get Karen to fall for him. Hope whoever's in on this plan with him didn't have a strict time table.
  • Ahh, so the yacht is a payoff.
  • Letitia's getting arrested for the murder of Dutch? The law enforcement officials wait a year since the murder and then have to arrest her on a yacht in front of tons of people?

Premiere Rating: 5.0/10

Premiere Watch '08: Pushing Daisies

Pushing Daisies: "Bzzzzzzzzz!"

After a very long hiatus, the delightful Pushing Daisies returned with a premiere episode featuring lots of bees, a colorful convent, and Dean Hess' sloppy seconds.

I'm a Pushing Daisies lover, and this episode demonstrated many of the show's best qualities: Lee Pace's sheer adorableness, Emerson saying funny things, Lonely Tourist Charlotte Charles and the Piemaker being almost too cute to tolerate, Olive being sassy, and an extremely bizarre murder. It wasn't one of my favorite episodes ever though, because I thought that they amped the cute factor up a notch or two too high. I mean, you can only hear so many words that rhyme with "bee" in a one-hour time span before you just want to gag. And Chuck used her "might" (as in power) versus "mite" (as in insect) joke about three too many times.

What bugs me the most, however, is all this nonsense about Chuck's lineage. I assume we're not supposed to fully understand it yet, but it seems like a problem that we don't understand it to such an extent that--as of now, based on what we know--it sounds like Chuck's mother (Lily) and father (Charles) were brother and sister, and her father (Charles) was engaged to his other sister (Vivian). Now, I know that can't be right, but that's what the facts we know are telling us: Charles, Lily and Vivian are all siblings; Chuck's dad was Charles; Lily is Chuck's real mom; Lily had an affair with her sister's fiance; Vivian's fiance is Chuck's father.

Thankfully for my sanity, my sister did some investigating on PD message boards and found out that the consensus is, more or less: Vivian had a fiance, and Lily had an affair with this guy and got pregnant with Chuck. Lily went off the the nunnery, and Vivian didn't know what was going on. When Lily had Chuck, she somehow convinced her brother, Charles Charles, to pretend that Chuck was his baby. (He must not have been living near the aunts at this time, so Vivian wouldn't have known that this wasn't true.) So Charles, who is really just Chuck's biological uncle, raised Chuck until he was unwittingly "killed" by Ned, at which time Chuck's secret mom Lily and aunt Vivian moved in. Chuck's biological father/Vivian's former fiance is someone entirely different (and will probably be factoring into the plot soon...).

While I'm very glad to know that Chuck is not the result of some weird incestuous situation, I think that whole explanation is loony and feels like it was made up after the parameters of the show were established, and that's why it doesn't quite make sense. I mean, what a raw deal Charles got--having to raise his sister's love child all by himself. Seems kind of weird that he got roped into doing that. But I guess that is just a small discrepancy, as opposed to the averted BIG discrepancy of Chuck being the child of her mother and her mother's brother who was his other sister's fiance, or whatever.

I'm sure this issue will be better dealt with in future episodes. And, frankly, it needs to be.

Highlights and observations (btw, it's hard to get the quotes completely correct for this show because everyone talks so fast!):
  • Wow, they rehashed the entire plot of the whole darn series in that opening sequence.
  • Not that I mind seeing Lee Pace without most of his clothing, but pouring the dead bees on him is weird. What happens if the bees fly into Ned more than once? They're just going to die all over again. Right?
  • Emerson's pop-up book: "Lil' Gum Shoe"
  • Oh no, it's Taylor Townsend. Can't say I've missed her much. (Is being swarmed by lots of angry bees her penance for annoying the heck out of me in season 4 of The O.C.?)
  • Ned: "That's terrifying. That's terrifying!"
  • Ned: "I could have been swarmed in my underwear!"
  • What exactly is a Bee Girl? I thought it was a female break dancer ;-)
  • I like Chuck's yellow eye shadow.
  • Ned: "If I could breath, I would vomit."
  • How did Chuck get out of there so fast when her aunts showed up? She's speedy!
  • Chuck: "I'll stop walking in on you when you're doing things you don't want me to know you do."
    Ned: "That wouldn't have happened if you were wearing your bells!"
  • Emerson: "It is not okay for a grown-ass man to cry in front of happy families eating pies!"
  • Ned: "I don't expect her to sit inside all day and--HIDE!"
  • Quite the vibrant color scheme they've got in this convent. I've never seen nuns wearing anything so green.
  • Emerson: "He is stalking you!"
  • Chuck's eye makeup/fake eyelashes today are not great. Oh, are those gross eye lashes part of the Bee Girl uniform? I think I'll pass on that job then.
  • Olive: "Forgive me, Father, for I am going to file a police report for all my missing possessions."
  • Is Missi Pyle ever not the bad guy? Or at least kind of the bad guy?
  • Eek, why's Ned's dad stalking him now? Did he hear about the pies and want back in Ned's life so he can mooch some of them?

So, here's a question to think about: what did Chuck walk in on Ned doing that he didn't want her to know he does? Hmmm..... (it sounds kind of dirty).

And: rent Mrs. Pettigrew Lives for a Day. The only thing cuter that Lee Pace is Lee Pace rocking a Scottish accent. It is flat out irresistible.

Premiere Rating: 7.5/10

(photo: ABC/Pushing Daisies)