Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Wildfire: Marrying Rich

Wildfire: "Being Mrs. Junior"
Maybe Wildfire's imminent departure is making me overly sentimental, but I thought this episode was pretty great. And not just as compared to other episodes of Wildfire, but as simply an entertaining hour of television.

First of all, Kris and Junior were all kinds of cute together in this episode. The opening scene of them in the kitchen was so super adorable that I almost got a toothache. Like rivaling-Jim-and-Pam-for-cutest-TV-couple cute.

And the other highlight of the night was the return of the wind turbine!!! Yea! How I've missed you, wind turbine. (I really was going to call B.S. if that thing was never mentioned again.) And darned if the thing isn't worth $3 million. Not bad.

One of the more messy developments of the episode was Mr. Davis' attempts to scare Kris away by showing her that she doesn't fit into "Junior's world." Kris needn't feel too badly, though, because this scenario is something every outsider character has to deal with when they snag a rich significant other. Dan on Gossip Girl, Rory on Gilmore Girls, Ryan on The O.C., and the list goes on. Kris is in good company. Some more good news for Kris is that in the other shows, the outsider ultimately prevailed. I have a sneaky suspicion that she will too.

As for Matt and Dani, I really thought that they had eons more chemistry together than Matt and Kris ever did. I say, go for it! Especially if they have this history has been referenced but I don't know about. Plus, Matt is considerably less of a miserable human being in his scenes with Dani than he is at any other time.

What I could do without, however, is the unceasing bickering about the ranch. Eesh. Ok, they all work a lot, they need to be profitable, dude ranchers pay money, horse racing is a gamble, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It just reminds me of vintage Smallville when they used to argue about the farm. Who cares? I sure don't when Junior is off somewhere else being adorable. Let's watch that.

Best Quotes:

Kris: "What about next month?"
Junior: "Or the year 2050! We could get married and get Medicare at the same time."

Matt: "What happened? What are you doing back so early?"
Junior: "Hey, if you're going to punch me again, can you punch me on the other side? My left side is still a little swollen...see?"

Kris: "How'd the pitch go?"
Calvin: "I lost my voice!"
Junior: "You did get it back."
Calvin: "Yeah, like ten minutes later."
Junior: "We got off to a rocky start... Of course, the end didn't go that well either."

Mr. Davis: "Like I said, it's nothing personal."
Kris: "Well, it's personal to me and don't you forget it."
Mr. Davis: "Are you threatening me?"
Kris: "Yeah. I am."

Random observations:
  • I guess it's ok to show up an hour late if you bring a rock like that with you. Yikes.
  • At least Wildfire is always there to stand with Kris while she mopes.
  • Geez, these Kris/Junior naysayers just do not give up: they're still going at it next week! Give it up and move on, people.

photo: abcfamily.com

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