Sunday, May 4, 2008

Thursday Night Highlights

Ugly Betty: "Burning Questions"
I can't think of any particular one-liners that I loved, (at least not as much as last week's "We want her to be crazy, not thin and crazy!") but I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. Daniel's dream sequence of Betty being in love with him was funny.

30 Rock: "Sandwich Day"

Kenneth: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for a good man to stand by and do nothing."
Tracy: "Please ask my permission before you quote me, Kenneth."

Liz: "I'll move to Cleveland when you get that IKEA... Never!"

I liked how last year's episode about Cleveland made it out to be a mythical, wonderful place, where as this episode made it seem a lot less cool.
Also, how cool/funny/weird is it that Liz Lemon got her hands on the same dress that Cameron Diaz just wore to her movie premiere?

Grey's Anatomy: "Piece of My Heart"
I thought the first two post-strike episodes were both pretty good. George and his funny comments were the highlights of the first ep. I was glad to see Izzy realizing how ridiculous she's become in the second ep. Also liked Bailey telling Alex to stuff his feelings back inside. I'm intrigued by what crazy, non-pregnant Ava is up to. I'm glad Meredith is (finally) seeing a therapist.

As for Addison, I could not care less that "it is killing her" that Meredith has let "Addison's husband" get away. I stopped caring about Addison's feelings when she moved to L.A. and started dancing naked around her house.

By far the highlight of these two eps (and the whole darn season of Grey's as far as I'm concerned) was this exchange, which reminded me how seriously funny this show can be.

Callie: "Does anyone ever think you two are a couple?"
Meredith: "No, because we screw boys like whores on tequila."
Christina: "And then we either try to marry them or drown ourselves."


  1. That was for sure my favorite moment of Grey's too! Though I did like the last scene with them all in the elevator and Derek looking like an awkward ass. He's really beginning to annoy me, I think Meredith can do better.

    As for Betty, I think she needs to get over Henry and start things up with Gio, I really like him!

  2. Yeah, I've been totally over Derek for at least a year now, so I'd be fine if Meredith kicked him to the curb too. I'll also be fine if they get back together; anything to make him just stop whining.

    Betty: yeah, I've also been so over Henry for a while now too. I have a feeling that if she actually gets with Gio, that he'll become annoying too after a month or so. Everyone always seems much cooler before the main character starts dating them. Honestly, I'm also really over Betty for the most part too and just watching the show for everyone else.
