Monday, March 30, 2009

Gossip Girl: Sour Sixteen

Gossip Girl:
"The Remains of the J"

I'm going to say it: Gossip Girl is feeling a little tired these days...

Any story with Dan = tired.
Anything involving Rufus and Lily = tired.
Serena fluctuating from bad girl to good girl = tired.
Snarky quips from the mean girls = tired.
and even
Blair and Chuck messing their relationship up by any means possible = getting a little tired.

I will say that I enjoyed that Jenny had more than 3 lines in this episode. Knowing full well how annoying Little J can be, it does feel strange finding refuge in her story lines, but it is what it is.

Highlights and my thoughts:

  • Serena: "What was that?"
    Blair: "Darota has a cold."
  • Dan got a fan letter? Are you freaking kidding me? I guess that means there is actually someone more pathetic than Dan out there in the world.
  • Jenny: "Ahh, a fan that gives homework. Lovely."
  • Rufus: "Jenny might actually make it to 16."
    Dan: "That was touch-and-go for awhile."
  • Bagels? Who are you people pretending to be, the Cohens? You are not pulling it off.
  • Chuck: "I do my cardio in the evenings."
  • Eric: "Does this seem like a sitcom to anybody else?"
    Dan: "Feels like a reality show."
    Chuck: "Good. So I can vote you off."
    Dan: "It would almost be scary if it wasn't wearing plaid."
  • Jenny: "And maybe those two girls from my chem class, who didn't light my hair on fire that one time."
  • Um, poor Jenny. Serena's foisting a sweet 16 party on her that she doesn't want? That's real classy, S.
  • Chuck: "I see you got the e-mail I sent from Nate's account. His password has been 'soccer' since the sixth grade."
  • Chuck: "Friends. That makes total sense. There's no spark between you two. There never was. You're like a green twig and a soggy match. A rusty hammer and an icy nail." (What? Lol.)
  • Can't Dan get some student loans? I mean, if I were a bank, I'm not sure I'd fund his education, but I'm sure someone would.
  • Oh, trust me, Blair, there will be no sparks between Nate and Vanessa. Never were.
  • Wouldn't Jenny want to make her own dress? Or maybe even she's realized that her work sucks.
  • Serena's yellow blouse is awesome! And it doesn't display her boobs! What is going on?
  • I think I've already seen Jenny wear that black dress...
  • See, there's no spark here at all. Nate really calls Vanessa "V" in normal conversation? That's kind of awkward.
  • Blair's outfit is lovely. Her hair looks a little Puritanical, but whatever.
  • Why are you forcing this, Blair? Forcing a relationship between you and Nate is sooooo 2007. I thought you had evolved.
  • Blair: "Pour that Dom down the drain, Dorota. ...Wait, is that the '96?"
  • No, Chuck, don't push it. Don't you remember the last time your over-aggressive scheming pushed Blair right into Nate's arms? It was at cotillion, and it was not that long ago. Maybe if you did fewer drugs, you'd remember this stuff.
  • Serena thinks Blair had no drama with Nate? Does she not remember the first half of season 1? The bulimia? Serena having sex with Nate on a bar stool? The epic Serena/Blair fight? Blair having sex with Chuck in a moving limo? Nate flirting with Jenny? Countless occasions of Blair trying unsuccessfully to get Nate to pay the least bit of attention to her? All of that drama sprouted from the Nate/Blair coupling. That relationship is like a hotbed of drama.
  • Dan: "I guess you and Dad would be moving on the East a deluxe apartment in the sky."
  • Jenny: "I liked my social grave. I dug it myself, and I was happy to lie in it."
  • Did Dan walk all the way from Brooklyn carrying that chili? Did they take it on the subway? Eew.
  • This party is not that cool. Serena should have had Blair and Dorota plan the party.
  • Vanessa: "But all it's been is sleazy platitudes and you staring at my boobs."
  • BTW, why would Chuck need to stare at Vanessa's boobs when he lives with Serena and hers are always on full display?
  • Jenny laughed when she heard that there were strangers having sex in Serena's bed.
  • Whoa, Nate's making sense again. That always seems to strange...
  • Eew, Blair wants Nate to have sex with her on Chuck's bed! That's appalling, B.
  • If Serena's party is so sophisticated, maybe she should have ran a brush through her hair before attending it.
  • Don't speak up, Little J. Let Serena take the blame. She completely deserves it.
  • OMG, I should have picked up on this sooner, but who wants to bet that Dan's fan is the long-lost Rufus/Lily kid?
  • Um, no, Blair. You and Nate did not have fun. At least not the last time you were a couple. That was like the least fun situation ever.
  • Poppy's bf is one of the guys Serena met at the bar when she was hanging out with G? (And he remembers her and the fake name she was using?) Small world.
  • Called it! Dan's fan is the Rufus/Lily spawn. Figures that the only person loser-ish enough to like Dan's writing would share some Humphrey DNA.
  • I'm glad Eric and Dan played Hungry Hippos with Jenny. That was nice.
  • Eew, eew, eew. Chuck/Vanessa is gross. I know they're dating in real life, but it's still gross. (I can rationalize the real-life relationship by assuming that Jessica Szohr has a better personality than Vanessa does.)


  1. Highlights for me were:

    Jenny's much reduced eye makeup

    The massive orange shirt they had Lily wear to cover up her real life baby bump. Is orange slimming?

    So has everyone just accepted the Rufus/Lily families merging?

    I'm kinda over the mean-girls act.

    Soccer password haha.

    I agree with the rusty hammer and icy nail, huh?

    Is Chuck trying to push Blair away from Nate or towards Nate with the confrontation in the hallway?

    Totally random, but have you noticed that we've never seen Rufus' bedroom in the loft? Where does he sleep? On the couch?

    I'm not sure if the Brad/Angelina analogy works. Wouldn't that only work if Nate was staying with Vanessa/the second woman?

    "Like Chevalier kissed Gigi." yes! awesome reference.

    I too wish Serena would comb her hair, or go back to the straightened hair like last episode. I've missed the straight hair since the first ever episode.

    No drama with Nate?!? wtf

    Moving on up to the east side, hahaa, I miss actual good Dan funny remarks.

    "i liked my social grave." I like this new Jenny.

    "Did you ever think that things didn't work out between us because we weren't friends?" I'm always so shocked when Nate has moments of wisdom.

    Ahhhhh! Serena's hair keeps getting worse! Did she style it with a blender?

    So tired of Serena's bad girl, good girl, bad girl, good girl, bad girl routine.

    Awww, is it sad that my heart melt a little bit when Nate surprised Blair at the lake with the ducks?

    How does someone in Connecticut or wherever they are know that 718 is Brooklyn? I don't know that and I know people in Brooklyn.

    You can text a home?! cooool.

    They're kissing with the ducks! Blair and Nate together is so much better than Chuck and Vanessa.

    Is there a new one next week? What are the previews?

  2. Nope, no new ep next week. The next new one is going to be Apr. 20, I believe. The previews showed S coming home all worked up about something that turns out to be that she apparently accidentally got married to someone in Spain! lol, I hate when that happens... Other than that, I don't really remember much else from the previews except that Chuck was having sex with someone (Vanessa, I guess).

    Your comments make me laugh. I agree that Jenny with less eye makeup is a very good thing. And, no, based on how Lily looked, I don't think that orange is slimming ;-)

    Hahaha about Rufus' bedroom. You raise a good point about that. I would not be surprised if he does sleep on the couch, except that Nate was supposedly doing that for awhile (maybe Rufus had to go stay in the gallery those nights). Remember that time that Dan/Jenny's mom was there and she and Rufus had sex in the living room and Dan/Jenny walked in on them? I guess they had to do it in the living room, because Rufus has no where else to go! Ha.

    I agree that the Brad/Angie metaphor was weak. I think B was saying that V was Jen and B is Angie, but that doesn't work because Brad didn't date Angie before he married Jen like Nate dated B before hooking up with V. She should have thought that one through better.

    lol--so which is worse: that your heart melted a little when Nate was waiting for Blair with the ducks or that mine didn't melt at all? I think I probably rolled my eyes and groaned. I'm thinking that was not the reaction they were going for...
