Thursday, June 12, 2008

My Boys: Failure To Transition

My Boys: The Transitioning
Well, I called it! (Technically, I guess I just said who I wanted it to be, but whatever--I'm taking credit for it.) P.J. chose Bobby! Yea! Of course, Bobby didn't seem to know that she chose him to be anything more than a traveling buddy. Oops.

And, thus, My Boys was back to start its, um, second or third season (I'm not sure anyone really knows which one it is). Before discussing the episode further, can I just say how annoying it is that TBS is now airing My Boys opposite the second half of the So You Think You Can Dance results show? My Boys aired on Mondays last summer, and that was so much more convenient. I mean, come on, why make it so hard on me?

Back to P.J. and Bobby: Well, she made the right choice, but a fat lot of good that did her. Absolutely nothing came of it at all, as P.J. couldn't find the right opportunity to "transition" her friendship into a romantic relationship. And so--in one episode, mind you--P.J. decides that she's over Bobby and abandons the whole darn thing. Which seems strangely familiar because it's exactly what happened with her and Brandon during the last season premiere. Why does P.J. always try to convert one of "her boys" into her boyfriend in the season finale episode, only to have it completely peter out in the first episode of the next season? It's becoming a pattern and it's a little disturbing. Will Kenny be next?
Perhaps all is not lost completely though, because Bobby did seem rather peeved when P.J. acted like sleeping with him would be so ridiculous. (Although, if he didn't want her to think that way, he probably shouldn't have whipped out the sleeping mask and mouth guard on the airplane.)

A thank you goes out to Steph for pointing out that trying to start relationship with her "friend" and then giving up has become a theme with P.J. And even P.J. admitted that she has a problem, saying, "When I figure out how to transition a friendship to a relationship, I'll write a book." To be fair, P.J. doesn't do a particularly great job of transitioning a relationship into a relationship either. She seems to have commitment issues in general, a la Meredith Grey. Or, perhaps, the root of the problem is that the writers want to her remain single so as to not upset the confines of the show.

Speaking of the confines of the show, this episode's best development was that P.J.'s voice over did NOT include an annoying, cliched, clumsy baseball metaphor. Hallelujah! (Not to toot my own horn again, but I also have previously said that the metaphors needed to go.)

Unfortunately, the use of a voice over in general didn't get the kabosh too. The voice over is still absolutely unnecessary. In this episode, it didn't tell us a darn thing that we haven't already figured out for ourselves. Jordana Spiro may have been on One World (I pulled that reference out of nowhere, huh?), but that doesn't mean she isn't a good enough actress to show us in her face that she is sad without having to also tell us, "I am sad." We get it.

  • Steph: "What exactly did you say?"
    P.J.: "Uh, I think I said, 'Hey, how about coming to Italy with me?' Then I might have said, 'dude.'"
  • I can't believe the waitress fell for Mike hitting on her using "the McConaughey." It was repulsive!
  • Romantic aspirations aside, bringing Bobby on the trip to Italy was genius--he's rich and he's like a walking travel guidebook.
  • Steph: "And you should have seen this fleabag place I had to stay in! I mean, there's charm and then there's dirt."
  • Bobby: "I don't even know him, and I haven't talked to a man in like two weeks."
  • P.J.: "Maybe we shouldn't have goals."
  • Andy: "This is my new car... This watch is new. What else is new?"
    P.J.: "You started tying a sweater around your neck."

  • Brandon's adult contemporary radio voice is hilarious.

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