Monday, September 10, 2007

Greek: This is why I freaking hate legacies!

Initially after watching the pilot, I wasn't that fond of Greek. Partially because I was busy watching reruns of Veronica Mars, and VM does school drama better than pretty much anyone else is ever going to. Partially because everything on Greek seemed at least slightly familiar. And partially because I think it took Greek a little time to hit it's stride. Thankfully, I gave Greek another chance a couple of weeks later and after a good reference to Sydney Bristow, a great reference to Days of Our Lives, and a fantastic reference to running on vomit, I was hooked. Although still occasionally inconsistent, Greek has proved to be a delightful summer soap. Rusty and Casey are protagonists you want to pull for and the supporting characters are vibrant and often hysterical.

Greek wrapped up the first half of its first season this week with a rather good episode. It certainly was eventful with a Casey/Evan breakup, a Rusty/Jen K. breakup, Calvin's outing, Casey getting appointed president of Zeta Beta Zeta, the college (finally) deciding to crack down on the Greeks, the Cappie/Rebecca hook-up, and a guest appearance by Charisma Carpenter.

My only complaint about the episode is that (like a lot of what happens on Greek), it was a little predictable. As soon as Casey said that she thought the the journalist mole was a ZBZ, I knew it was Jen K. Suddenly it became very obvious why she was nicer than the other girls, couldn't dance, liked nerdy Rusty, warned Casey about Rebecca and Evan, etc.

And my big nit-pick about the episode was that the campus newspaper printed Jen's article about the actions of unnamed sorority and fraternity members without even putting her name on it. I seriously doubt that any college newspaper would print a controversial expose written by "anonymous." That's so wildly journalistically unsound! It seems like Dale and Rusty's physics department is legit, so what happened to this place's journalism department? At least when the A.P. picked up the story, they attached a name to it. I'm glad somebody had some journalistic integrity, although I'm still unsure why the A.P. was at all interested in this article about some nameless frat boys and sorority girls.

Sweetest Line of the Night (someone has to fill the sweetness void in Kyle XY's absence):
Rusty: Forget you? I can barely remember anything before you.

Funny Highlights:
Dale: Cover up your privates! Lord's witness coming through!

Frannie: This is why I freaking hate legacies!

Ashley: Ok, first of all, no one says "spurned."

Rusty: I love you, Electron. I think I'm drunk. Where's my big electron? Electron? Electron?
(That whole scene was freaking hilarious.)

Closing thoughts: Casey is going to be toast in a war against Frannie--that chick is scary. Now that he's been outed, Calvin should join Rusty's frat; no one there cares about anything. The Cappie/Rebecca hook-up happened fast! I wonder if this is going to be a recurring thing or if it's done. Cappie looked pretty remorseful the next day.

It was interesting that the "first half season finale" ended with a very similar scenario to the way the show started: Rusty witnesses one of Casey's boys hooking up with Rebecca. This time, he decided not to tell her. Some things haven't changed much, but happily some have: Casey and Rusty are now much closer than they were when the semester began. I'm interested to see how the siblings will handle all the crap that will surely come at them next semester when Greek returns in 2008.

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