Friday, June 22, 2007

Random TV Celeb Sighting

This story is a bit off topic, but it is TV-related. Yesterday I was in NYC with Jenna because she had a job interview there. We had to kill some time before her interview and it was wicked hot outside, so we went to a little cafe in the Soho area that was called Cafe Columbia, I think. There I got a small smoothie for $6.75. While we were sitting there, I noticed that one of the guys at the table next to us looked familiar. I couldn't figure out why at first, but I assumed that he must look like someone from TV because I basically only deal with TV people right now.

Finally I realized that he looks like Jimmy, the middle kid from Grounded For Life. His hair was a little lighter than I remembered, but other than that he looked exactly the same. Occasionally, I could hear his voice a bit and he sounded like Jimmy. I became 95% certain that the guy really was Griffin Frazen (I IMBDed him to find out his real name when I got home). Word on the internet is that Griffin goes to NYU, so now I'm pretty nearly positive it was him.

He got some kind of iced coffee beverage to drink that looked really good and was eating a tasty looking salad.

So, that encounter was really random. And pretty exciting even though I was never a big Grounded for Life fan.

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