Monday, April 30, 2007

The Future Looks Grim

A pretty good episode tonight. Stuff happened...which is always a plus (Desperate Housewives, I'm looking at you). I gotta say though, the future does not look too good. Actually, it looks at awful lot like The Matrix. Especially when Peter put on the long black coat and Sylar started morphing bodies. One good thing about Heroes is that while they really confuse you, they then do kind of try to explain it in a fairly timely manner. Which is nice and unlike Lost which just does whatever it feels like and then maybe three years later will slip in some tiny explanation.

Random observations:

Greg Grunberg is not a badass. No one is buying it. He didn't pull it off on Alias and he's still not fooling us. He just too big and adorable. So stop making him punch Hiro. It's just silly.

How did Nikki get that ridiculously long, fake pony tail under her short stripper wig?

So Peter can explode and put himself completely back together, but cannot fix the huge scar across his face?

The death count

  • (before Hiro and Ando showed up): Micah, D.L., Candace, Nathan, Ando
  • (after Hiro and Ando showed up): Mr. Bennett, Claire, Future Hiro, the Haitian
...and we don't know what happened with the Peter/Sylar fire-hands battle in the hallway. Actually, I guess everyone who was not dead at the beginning of the ep probably was by the end. Except Nikki. Because she was living in denial. I think there's a lesson there.

How could present-Hiro and future-Hiro both be holding the same sword at the same time?

I loved the anecdote about the kid in the middle school who sucked all the oxygen out of the air. That, friends, is a pretty stupid superpower. I'm ranking it below being able to access the internet with your mind, but above melting kitchen appliances with your brain. I still feel bad for that kid from Gilmore Girls whose power allowed him to melt toasters--not only did Sylar kill him, but he had the Worst. Superpower. Ever.

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