Monday, April 30, 2007

Sweeps? Really?

OK, I was excited by the Thursday night sweeps offerings, but the Sunday night offerings? Not too impressive. At least not the ones I was watching.

Amazing Race:
My Ozzy and Danny are headed home :-( I'm bummed, but not super bummed because in the last few legs even those two normally fun-loving, positive guys had become a bit testy. I guess that's a benefit of teams like Charla and Myrna and Eric and Danielle--they've been annoying all along, so the stress of the race will never really make you like them any less than you already did in the first place. I guess now I'm rooting for the Beauty Queens...that is if I even remember to watch next week, which honestly might not happen.

OMG though, I can't believe Ozzy said, "Teletubbies go to war." So mean! But absolutely the highlight of the night. That and the final interview with Ozzy and Danny where Danny was talking about how someday Ozzy would be wheeling him into the old folks home.

Desperate Housewives:
OK, Marcia Cross, your two infant daughters cannot possible need you more right now than this show does.

Bree-less DH keeps getting more and more painful. Who is writing this stuff? Um, let's have the one old lady have her dead husband in the freezer!.....but she's just doing it to collect his it's really all ok.....the community will like her again.....but, uh, so why did we write this story line in the first place if it doesn't change anything?......well, it's just seemed like it was time for someone else on this same freaking street to have a dead person in their freezer/basement/backyard....

To recap the rest:
Lynette: ugh. Gaby: ugh. Edie: ugh. Mike: ugh.

Marcia, please hire a nanny and get your butt back to that set as soon as you possible can. If you don't hurry, there may not be anyone left watching when you do return.

Brothers and Sisters:
Also kind of painful this week. Not painfully bad like DH, but just kind of painful. I'm not really sure who to like with this whole Rebecca/Sarah's husband/Sarah stuff. I guess it's more realistic this way, having it be all messy and everyone sharing in some of the blame, than it would be to have Rebecca unequivocally be an evil temptress. So, congrats on that, I guess, but it's still not much fun to watch.

Poor Tommy wasn't even in this one (again). And where was my Sloane? I miss Ron Rifkin! Is it too much to ask for them to write a storyline where where Uncle Saul plots something evil? Or like seems to be running a terrorist cell within the U.S. disguised as a branch of the CIA? Or even chasing down the drawings of a prophetic 15th century scientist?

And Nora's teacher/boyfriend is seriously creepy. She can do soooo much better. She's Sally Field for crying out loud.

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