Monday, February 21, 2011

Greek: Mock Trials and Tribulations

"Subclass Plagiostomi"

Ok, kids. Grab your tissues: by my calcu- lations this is the third to last episode of Greek. What a sad state of the world we find ourselves in...

Let's brace ourselves. No more weeping tonight--we'll get to that in (sob) two weeks.

Highlights and observations:
  • Evan's hair looks even shorter this week.
  • Evan: "Oh, it's totally personal." Ha. Oh, Evan.
  • Beaver describing Joshua Whopper as "the Asian in the basement."
  • Cappie: "Dale-y won't even do book club anymore. Even after I shared my erotic fixation with the Bronte sisters."
  • Ashleigh and Cappie are taller than everyone else at the job fair. That has to count for something.
  • Ok, this sounds promising: a former professor with a new marketing business. Well, it seemed promising until I saw that webisode...
  • Tripp fixed Dale up with NATALIE?!? Ha ha ha. There's a couple I can get behind.
  • Evan has no tie today, but he is wearing a vest.
  • No, Evan, no, you do not miss Rebecca!! PLEASE tell me this is just Evan being diabolical and playing mind games with Casey. Phew, it is just Evan being diabolical! Close call, there.
  • I seriously prefer Evan being evil to Evan missing Rebecca.
  • Lol at post-coital Katherine (and uneasy Casey).
  • Katherine: "A shark would just (hand motion) tear him limb from limb."
  • Whoa, Ash has found herself a sugar daddy. This is making me uneasy.
  • Katherine: "You better watch out, because we are so ready! We're like 22-year-old virgins, and I should know, having been one."
  • HA! Katherine just slapped panicking Casey! Oh. My. Gosh.
  • Casey: "Does this say 'shark' to you?"
    Cappie: "Werewolf, actually."
  • Natalie (to Rebecca): "Maybe you can have your formal with the Tri-Pi's. You were a lesbian once, right?"
  • Rebecca: "I burned your house down once. I'll do it again."
  • It's nice how upset Rebecca is over this Dale thing. I didn't know she was such a fan of Dale's. Granted, a lot of her anger is a result of Natalie trying to take down the ZBZs, but I think she's got a soft spot for Dale.
  • Cappie: "Are they talking about Sigourney Weaver?"
  • Holy crap, the Omega Chis have sunk to a new low. Messing with Dale is like kicking a puppy. Who knew Evan was a steadying moral force in that house?
  • Whoooooaaaaaaaa. Evan's saying all his evilness is because Casey took herself away from him and then took Rebecca away? Uh, ok. I love Evan, but even I'm not buying this one. I seem to remember him being a little evil before Casey broke up with him.
  • Casey's not having it. She calls Evan's bluff--except it wasn't a bluff this time. And Evan's sad. Awwww.
  • Rusty: "Natalie told Rebecca, who is the world's weirdest Dale defender, but I still believe her."
  • Uh oh, Cappie's speaking the truth about this Ashleigh/Simon situation. And being logical. And smart. That's always a little disconcerting.
  • Can you call opposing counsel as a witness?
  • Oh dear, Dale has no pants.
  • Dale's dance moves leave something to be desired.
  • OMG, the evil Omega Chis had Dale take off his shirt and moon the audience! Oh no.
  • Aww, Dale's going to finish the song! And Rusty and Calvin went out on stage in their underwear too for moral support! (Aside from the underwear, this scene reminds me of Little Miss Sunshine.) How sweet! There's "brotherhood" for you. (Can I get the odds on someone using that exact line in the next 10 minutes?)
  • It's too bad Heath's not around for this talent show performance. We all know that he doesn't have a problem dancing around in his underwear ;-)
  • Oh no, Dale's pummeling Tripp! Come on, land a punch to the face at least, Dale!
  • So if Tripp and the Omega Chis were just messing with Dale and aren't the ones doing the other KT sabotage, who is?
  • Um, if this is how Casey and Evan are treating each other, maybe it's good they didn't go to law school as a couple. This is bad enough as it is.
  • Rusty: "I guess the whole school's seen us naked now. It's kind of nice to have that out of the way."
So, at this point, it's time for me, as a sometime Casey/Evan shipper, to concede that we've run out of time. Casey and Evan as a couple is not going to happen*. At this point, it's looking iffy on whether they'll even get to the point of being friends again by the time the show's over. Not to mention Evan and Cappie! We've got a lot of relationship/friendship angst to heal in a short amount of time.

*At least by the end of the series. I suppose they may leave the possibility of a future reunion slightly still on the table.

Previews for next week: Oh NO! It's Franny! Personally, I could have lived if Frannie hadn't showed up in the final batch of Greek episodes. I have not missed her.



  1. very nice review!

    but i have to say, im sorry

    cappie/casey and evan/rebecca all the way!

  2. Great review, I've kinda gotten annoyed with the semi bashy ones.

    Though I ship Casey/Cappie I have to admit I've got a bit of a guilty pleasure in the Casey/Evan pairing. Like you said I atleast hope they can be friends again and Cappie & Evan too. And considering {SPOILER} Evans parents are coming into town, I think maybe that may actually help in mending those bridges.

  3. Thanks for the comments! I love to hear from fellow Greek lovers.

    And, of course, all shippers are welcome here :-) I can certainly see the charm in Casey/Cappie. Personally, I love this show more for the friendships than the romantic relationships anyway.

    Enjoy the last two eps!

  4. *From the second Anonymous Poster Above

    I agree the friendship on this show is definitely one of the best parts of the show. Especially the oddball ones like Cappie/Dale.

    Oh I was reading your summary for last week and Jake McDorman did wind up breaking his hand irl, in an interview he said a friend accidently slammed his arm in a car door. Ouch.

    Whether they worked it into the show I'm not sure. Though on a Season 3 commentary the creator joked about "Evan punching a wall." wheather they actually did that I have no idea.

    If you already figured out what happened to his hand feel free to ignore that last part lol.

  5. Hi second Anon!

    Thanks for the info on Jake's hand! I hadn't bothered to look into that, so you saved me the time. :-)

    I'd love it if they wrote it into the show by having him punch a wall. Or maybe Rusty could (accidentally) slam Evan's hand in a door and the two of them could finally bury the hatchet once and for all about the paddle-in-the-face incident.

  6. *Second Anon again

    No problem!

    I'm not sure if those two will ever patch things up honestly. But I'm totally up for it if they do.

    Though funny you say that because if you watch the preview clips for next week on Greeks website, Evan actually threatens to hit Rusty with a pledge paddle again lmao.

    PS. It's nice to find someone who actually likes Evan. I feel like I've been defending the crap out of him lately to people for the past 2 weeks, it's gets abit tiring lol.

  7. Hahahahaha! I'm amused by Evan threatening to hit Rusty with a pledge paddle again. If he actually DOES hit him, however, I don't think even I'll be able to defend him. Sometimes he makes it really difficult to be his supporter.

  8. *Second Anon again...

    Nah I doubt it since Evan's pledge paddle is mounted on his dorm wall lol. I think Evan still has one up on hitting Rusty so maybe Rusty will get a punch in? Rusty has been working out it seems lmao.

    Ha I know, sometimes he really does pull some douche moves so to speak, which are hard to defend at times.
