Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Greek: Rusty Swallows Three Baby Fish

Greek: "Hell Week"

The highlight of Greek's third "season" finale was by far when Rusty assumed he was supposed to swallow the (alive) fish, did it, and then found out that's not what he was supposed to do at all. It was absolutely horrific! But the genuinely stunned reaction from the Kappa Tau brothers was hilarious. Poor Rusty. And poor Beaver, because he took the whole incident pretty hard. At first, I had made the same assumption as Rusty, but I couldn't believe that even the Kappa Taus would so flagrantly fly in the face of PETA with their hazing techniques.

Exchange of the Night:
Cappie: "You were supposed to take care of the fish this week, not eat them!"
Rusty: "Then why'd you give us bibs?!"
Cappie: "This is a baby fish papoose pouch!"

Aside from that ordeal, I didn't find this episode to be particularly spectacular. After reading about the humongous "game changer," I was expecting more than Frannie being a pain in the butt again (this time by starting her own sorority). I don't don't think the will-Rebecca-go-with-Frannie-or-stay-at-ZBZ cliff hanger holds up very well. For 90% of the series, Rebecca has been nothing but aggravating. If Frannie wants her, she can have her, for all I care. Good riddance to them all. Think how much better ZBZ will be when all the losers go with Frannie.

I think what most surprised me was that Cappie and Casey did not actually have their customary season finale make out session. I'm not sure how I feel about Max (apparently) turning down Cal Tech. I like his character and I like him and Casey together, but I can't help but feel that he's wasting his time with Casey, who will probably end up getting back together with both with Cappie AND Evan during the course of her senior year (which will probably stretch through at least four of Greek's "seasons"). I see a rocky road ahead, but if Cappie wants her back so badly, it will be nice if he has to get off his butt and fight for her a bit.

I also thought that Calvin was going to drop out of Omega Chi after finding out that Evan hit Rusty in the face with the paddle.

Highlights and observations:
  • The circling people's body issues in permanent marker idea came straight from Veronica Mars, and Cappie can't deny it.
  • No one should give this much power over other people to Cappie. Or Evan (obviously).
  • Cal Tech really just got back to Max now? That's kind of last minute.
  • Frannie and Evan having appointments with realtors sounds like trouble.
  • Dale: "You two wouldn't know hell if it stuck you in the bottom with a pitch fork."
  • Beaver: "I accidentally scooped you three fish, Rusty."
  • Rebecca: "Can I please get a ZBZ patchwork quilt? I'm redecorating my cabin up at Lake Tacky-crap."
  • Beaver doesn't seem to have gotten over his obsession with Wikipedia.
  • Eew, mayonnaise potstickers? I like potstickers, but that's disgusting.
  • Dale: "Nine months of temptation, God, and I proved myself."
  • Rusty: "Now I have to prove to the actives why I'm a true Kappa Tau."
    Dale: "Well, you could just show them a biopsy of your decayed liver."
  • I loved Dale's last scene. They usually play his ardent religious beliefs for comedic relief, but in this scene, he talked about his faith and came off seeming very wise and comforting. That was a very classy scene on Greek's part.
  • Ugh, it's L.C. Didn't I get enough of her when she was on Privileged for no reason? Ick, Casey dreams that she's getting life advice from L.C.? No wonder she's messed up.
  • Did Casey really not expect that Cappie would be in the bar? I'm not buying that.
  • Cappie: "Let me guess, Max is having an emotional affair with his World of Warcraft teammate, right?"
  • Not sure taking life advice from Cappie is much better than taking it from L.C. Especially since Cappie's got one huge ulterior motive here.
  • I do totally agree with Casey when she says, "I can't keep making decisions based on the guys in my life."
  • Poor Max is about to burst into tears. This week has been rough on my favorite TV relationships: first what went down between Chuck and Blair and now this!
  • How did Evan recognize the back of Rusty so quickly?
  • Rusty and Evan are both really fast!
  • Wow, the sound of Rusty's scream really carried! He was still a long way away.
  • That was a very ugly fight in the middle of the street. I'd say I was surprised that Evan sucker-smacked Rusty in the face with the paddle, but I'm not. Evan has sunk very, very low these past few months.
  • I am surprised that Rusty doesn't have more nose damage after that smack.
  • The school is just allowing Frannie to start her own sorority? Aren't there rules about that?
While this wasn't my favorite episode of Greek, I'm going to miss this show a lot while it's on hiatus. Time and time again moments like Rusty swallowing the fish prove that this show is head and shoulders better than it needs to be.

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